Microsoft thinks Minecraft's creator is a creeper

I know you didn’t ask, but here are mine…

There’s a bunch of great painters. You can spend years studying them. Fuck Hitler.

There’s no shortage of brilliant violin recordings. Fuck Jared.

No, it’s not. There are hundreds of comedians. Too many to count. Fuck Bill Fucking Cosby!

:duck: That’s just me, though. Appreciating well made art doesn’t automatically propagate the creators’ heinous natures. I’d rather toss it in the rubbish to be on the safe side, and to make more room for the considerate ones.


But there is only one Yngwie Malmsteen :wink:

It is hard to measure such a thing, but Cosby Show is credited with changing hearts and minds about people’s stereotypes of black folks. So is it really, “Just another comedy” which we have plenty of already? Your take on it is perfectly valid, but there are other angles to debate.


Exactly. Do I have to choose one?

I’ve gotten a lot of joy out of Minecraft, but I’m not going to be too broken up when Notch is inevitably found dead of a drug overdose. There are a lot of things in life that are very difficult, but maintaining an absolute bare minimum level of “not being an asshole” isn’t one of them.


Same here. As I said in the now-wiped comment in reply to the banned commenter*, if someone who’s achieved that level of success and professional acclaim is still mainly attributing it to his race or ethnicity when no sensible person is, there’s something seriously broken or bent within him. That ridiculous house was an early manifestation of his malaise.

[* wiped in part thanks to a system coded to discourage Notch-like comments in a way Twitter’s can’t and won’t]


Okay… But I would just like to clarify and say that the last tweet was faked. You can tell because there is a rectangular discolored shape around the text on the tweet meaning it was photoshopped. The reason why it said that the last two were deleted was because they are faked.

It was also a pop culture phenomenon of my childhood that influenced later shows. If you leave a black hole where Hitler’s painting would be, you don’t miss the thread of art history over the early 20th century. If you leave out the Cosby Show you’d end up really noticing that hole in 80s culture. Plus, Cosby wasn’t a solo artist on that show, it’s not like the kids - who were often fantastic - were enabling Cosby.

i mean, I’ll probably never watch the Cosby show again, but I agree it’s more of a question than some dumb paintings by Hitler.


Except perhaps for Mister Rodgers, you can find fault with pretty much any person if you dig deep enough. So at some point one has to figure out what the line is and whether one is too far over it to be able to separate the art from the artist.

I mean literally almost no one born over a 100 years ago would have modern attitudes in relation to race and sex like we do today, for example. Except maybe for Mister Rodgers… oh nooooo…

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Nope, he had some problematic issues too. Rodgers encouraged the man who played Offiecer Clemmons to get married as a way to deal with his homosexuality. He meant the best, if Clemmons had come out of the closet he might have had to leave the show because of the sponsors, but it’s really hard to not see it as shitty.

I don’t think it has to be an either or. We can acknowledge the show for what it was and still move on.

Crazily enough, I was rewatching the show with my kids when the cases against him began hitting the news. We quit watching, and explained why when one of kids mentioned it. I don’t feel like anything has been lost- it was still an 80’s sitcom, which is probably my least favorite type of programming, if I’m honest. I just can’t watch Cosby play a gynecologist with the knowledge that over sixty women claimed to be drugged and raped by the same person.




He was singing “Where is Thumbkin” with children and, when he got to Tall-Man, he proudly displayed his middle fingers…because that’s how the song played out.



Like I said, no one born ~100 years ago would have completely acceptable views when viewed through a modern lens. Even people who were above average good people.

I know, but out of context stuff makes the best outrage.

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Did you see the comic strip with this theme? Right in the feels…

Let me find it:


Nobody’s perfect of course, but so far the examples on the table were a murderous dictator, a pedophile, and a serial rapist. That’s where I draw the line, I hope I’m not being too harsh. On a scale from 1-10, how horrifying was Fred Rogers?


Don’t forget the fat pompous swedish guitar player.

That does make it tricky. Well the good is done and the damage is done.

And that’s that. Now if we really wanted to stay up all night, someone could bring up Michael Jackson…

ETA: you lost me on Malmsteen!


Now THAT is some deep, yet admirable hate.

What a concept.

Can we do that, but with Anish Kapoor’s stuff?
And Thomas Kinkade, just for good measure. Painter of light my ass. We could even do it as a joint event, “destruction of light and dark”

I think something like that’s already been done: