Originally published at: Middle school principal tells girls not to report sexual assault if they show their shoulders or wear certain kinds of clothes | Boing Boing
The problem is that he’s very likely telling the truth about how the school handles sexual assault. If anything he’s probably overstating their interest in doing anything period.
I have no idea what that guy is wearing at the moment, but whatever it is I kinda want to assault him.
kids aren’t stupid and they’re probably seeing this free license to harass anyone who wears those certain kinds of clothes.
Dear Wife is just asking for it with those sleeveless overalls, water the garden like that. I m going to harass her, I started a GoFundMe for my medical bills, please donate.
I’ve never lived in a world where there weren’t people who saw the way girls and women dress as a free license to harass, assault, rape them… so… Just another case of someone getting in trouble for saying it out loud.
Superintendent Ryan Saxe said the suspension was unrelated to the allegations made during the meeting.
Makes me wonder what else he’s up to . . .
My thought exactly. Probably something that won’t be ignored by the authorities because he dressed a certain way.
You are being too generous. This is a license to harass anyone who 1) has breasts large enough to be apparent through clothing, 2) is not sufficiently deferential 3) has hips, butts or legs 4) is of the wrong SES or racial group 5) that they feel like, because they can always come up with one of these “But she was so provocative, i couldn’t help myself” bullshit excuses. This is just open season on any woman or girl not in the most privileged social groups, but them too, under the “right” circumstances.
I feel like if I were to punch him in the face repeatedly I could successfully make the argument that it’s his own fault for having such a Backpfeifengesicht (“a face in need of punching”). I think I might try to get that formally diagnosed just for appropriate legal cover.
This is not only foul, it’s also illegal. In West Virginia,all school staff are mandated reporters, so if they ignore this abuse they can and should be prosecuted.
I wonder if that line of thought has been pursued before.
Part of me really thinks that they saw “The Handmaid’s Tale” on TV (no way they fuckin read it, the book’s been out for nearly 40 years) and thought, hey, that’s a good idea. Lets do that.
Yeah, this is just the tip of the fecal iceberg…
You’ve just described the Republican party.