Mike Pence painfully pauses on NBC, can't answer how he will get MAGA to like him by 2024 (video)

Yeah, but Pence clearly isn’t offering an alternative for sane conservatives who don’t want to vote for Trump. Frankly, at this point that’s Biden.


And that’s just his religious beliefs.

Apparently, Mike and Pence are liable to split over artistic differences.


The Bible states baby Moses was found in the Nile, but even at that point he wasn’t as deep in the Nile as Pence.


No other candidate gives them that feeling that Trump gives them.

Any other candidate is like offering a meth addict a diet Coke.


I can’t fathom why he’s even running


This shows that his press team has not prepared him for public appearances at all.


My theory is that a lot of these people are running because there are lots of wannabe campaign managers out there who have figured out that they can make a lot of money in a short period of time at relatively little risk to themselves by managing a Presidential campaign. And so they convince these people to run. I can think of no other reason why Pence, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Larry Elder, Vivek Ramaswamy, and a few others I’ve never heard of are running. Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson also have no chance, but at least they’ve decided to use their campaigns to attack Trump, so I’m willing to consider the possibility that their campaigns aren’t entirely about money.


… maybe if DeSantis went to clown school :thinking:


I remember in 2016 Samantha Bee had an episode about the “death of the Republican Party”… it seems almost laughably naive considering the past few years, but in a way I still feel like it’s relevant. The party is not viable in its current state. It’s only extremism, hate, and cult of personality and if you take away that part it appeals to very few people. That’s not to say it will go gently into that good night… but it’s not a great place to be someone trying to portray themselves as a moderate conservative. (Which I don’t think pence really is to be clear)


To me, this indicates he isn’t seriously running in this race. He’s got some agenda that’s advanced by running in the Republican presidential primary, but he has no expectations of winning anything. He has to have thought about this question (because it amounts to: “how are you going to win over the Republican voters”), and he’s got no answer, not even a delusional one.

The second part is definitely true, but to me this shows he’s not delusional - clearly he recognizes he’s not got a shot with the MAGA crowd (and thus with the primary). He’s avoiding answering the question entirely, rather than articulating a strategy (that clearly won’t work).

He can’t have avoided thinking about the question, and clearly he’s aware he’s got no answer, but it is weird that he doesn’t even have a rehearsed response to hide that fact. It’s not a serious run, but surely it should at least look like it is.

I think he’s aware he’s got no political future - I think he’s positioning himself for a post-political career running some right-wing group, and for some reason this half-hearted run is part of that strategy.

I think nationalist sentiment is always, to some degree, about being in love with a fantasy. The difference is, the left is in love with a fantasy of an America that lives up to its promise of equality, democracy, etc. but are fully aware that it’s an America that has never existed. The right are in love with a fantasy of America as they believe it used to be, but don’t admit that it’s a delusional belief.


damn it the video is not playing for me


One could argue that the party has been this for decades, though. At least since Nixon.

The thing is, even to this day, the majority of Republican voters will swear to you that they’re voting for lower taxes. Of course Republicans have never lowered taxes, nor have they ever even been serious about doing so, but there’s this massive group delusion that the right in America is all about fiscal responsibility rather than authoritarianism. That “brand” persists in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

I’d argue there have never been moderate Republicans in America. If you’re willing to vote for someone because you want lower taxes, knowing full well they will make abortion and queer people illegal as well, then you are an extremist. I don’t care what you tell yourself about why you vote the way you do.

(Not directing that at you personally- “you” here is a hypothetical right wing voter that I’m speaking to).


Oh yeah I totally agree with you. Heck if you wanna argue that their fiscal ideas have been wrong a long time you can even go back as far as the late 1800s or early 1900s when, even though the republicans were better than the democrats on racial issues, they were also the ones upholding monopolies and poor working conditions. (Teddy roosevelt’s progressives fought against those things but got kicked out of the party pretty quickly)


“Please clap”


I will never forget being in the wealthy surburb in which I grew up (very poor), and seeing a rich old white man driving a block-long pale yellow Cadillac with a

Reagan 1984
Tax Cuts

bumpersticker. I’d’ve thrown a big rock through one of its windows had I had one.


Give away money. It always work…


Best wishes, there, mikey-boy. You’re gonna hafta come up w/better answers than the non-replies what you currently got.

Those ignorant, deplorable fucks wanted to HANG your ass, and merkin von bankrupt encouraged the dumb shits; surely you remember that?
We certainly do.


It has not dawned on Mike The Waiter that the circus has left town .


This pretty much applies to the rest of the chucklefucks running for the GOP nomination.
Even DeSantis has no observable groundswell of support; the same can be said for those on the Democratic side. Besides Biden, who generates any sort of entthusiasm?
Even most of his own family is distancing themselves from his run.

Seems to me all these people are auditioning for something or other, if for nothing more than Name Recognition that may come in handy down the road.
Some may have delusions of joining the Punditocracy, others may be angling for a show on FOX, etc, etc.
For others, it might be a Hail Mary to avoid sinking forever into obscurity & becoming the answer to a trivia question.

I don’t see 2024 as being anything other than a rematch between Biden & Lord Dampnut.
Lord Dampnut’s legal woes will make things even more ‘interesting’.

Good thing we all have a year to stock up on liquor.