Originally published at: Mike Pence says affirmative action is not needed because his children had a good college experience | Boing Boing
[credit: Nathan W. Pyle]
Wouldn’t Mike Pence’s kids have graduated with affirmative action in place? If their experience said anything about it at all, wouldn’t it be that it’s ok?
(More particularly that the idea that it iSn’T fAiR tO wHiTeS is bogus, in case that needed confirming.)
Man so white his hair turned white declares there is no racism, because he personally never experienced it.
“I’ve got mine, screw you”: one of the unofficial mottoes of the Republican Party.
It’s been many years since we introduced umbrellas. Almost nobody gets wet in the rain anymore; therefore, umbrellas are no longer required.
I’m shocked that the children of a white governor, congressman and vice president didn’t experience discrimination.
And I’ve never once gotten sick from bad food or medicine, so what is the FDA good for anyway?
that and
“It’s not really a problem until it affects me or someone I love.”
I think you just describe Republican’s tenet: All these programs are a “waste” because no one suffers anymore. Cruelty is the point. Nothing else matter.
One of his kids knows someone who knows someone who has a black friend from college, so racism is over.
Supreme Court declares racism is over and for minorities to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, not the white bootstraps, different ones.
However, it is okay for affirmative action to allow for more minorities to die in wars.
I’m I the only one who reads this as “you wouldn’t believe how many minorities there were on campus when I visited my daughters. We really need to get this back under control”?
Pence isn’t that stupid. I don’t think he meant that if his daughters had a good college experience then everyone must. It was meant as evidence he has seen first hand that too many of “those people” are allowed into college and he wants to change that
… he was reaching for some reason his opinion would be relevant, couldn’t think of any, so then instead of shutting up like a normal person he said something very very dumb
I can’t remember where I saw it, so I don’t have a cite, but I remember reading that the difference between the Left and the Right is the Right says “I don’t need this, why are we paying for it??” and the Left says “I might need this one day, so I better make sure it’s available!”
Came here to say exactly this. That little half-smile he gives when he says “those days are long over” is clear evidence that his underlying message is, “believe you me, my kids had to go to class with plenty of yucky minorities.”
Pence is an awful example of a human being.
Mikey Dense.
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