Mike Pence used his AOL account for Indiana government business, and got hacked

It sure seems like it.


I mean, besides that. And besides Trump’s “modeling agency” that was just a front that allowed him to pimp out underage girls to his business associates. Like something run out of some sort of eatery; we’ll find out that in one of Trump’s restaurants’ basement…

True, but Trump has really refined this down to a ridiculous degree. His penchant for projection means that not only are all the unpleasant things that are true about him being used as accusations directed at others (even when they make no sense whatsoever - e.g. Hillary as Putin’s puppet), but that he focuses very strongly on them. to the exclusion of reality-based criticisms he could level at others. It’s to the point where almost any charges or criticism he levels at others becomes a big sign advertising his own failings.

It was like Trump’s non-answer to the questions about what his administration’s response to the antisemitic hate crimes would be, angrily denying he was antisemitic himself. There are weirdly consistent patterns of behavior across the Trump administration, and they all remind me of children. In this case, being asked if they’re ready for dinner and responding by blurting out, “I didn’t eat all the cookies!”… and then finding the cookie jar empty.



Sometimes, I think it’s the fact that these child-like tactics are being accepted by some as ‘no big deal’ which bothers me most.

I wouldn’t tolerate behavior like that from my kid, but fully grown adults who run the damn country aren’t even held to that simple standard?!?


YES! Dead on. Reminds me of this skit from League of Gentlemen.


Al Franken, as a seasoned improv performer, knows very well how to “yes, and” in a situation like this. He didn’t just ask a yes-or-no question that could be batted away and forgotten, he asked “if…and then… and what then?” to engage Sessions. And, like Trump when someone asks about anti-semitism, Sessions heard “Russian ties” and panicked, and essentially incriminated himself rather than actually answer what was asked.


I have an AOL address. I’ve had it a LONG time. So long that most of my friends & relatives count on using it, so I’ve kept it.

Doesn’t hurt that it is three letters long; created long before there was a need to add numbers to differentiate a name.

Didn’t hurt that the first ten years I had it were free; I got the account when I was Beta testing “GeoWorks Ensemble,” a Windows-alternative, in 1989. AOL finally tracked me down and switched it to a charged account, which I shared with relatives.


Oh, yeah, totally. But, if you are going to prosecute on perjury, I don’t know if it’s a complete slam dunk here. I think there’s a really good case for it, but, I don’t think everyone should start doing a victory lap just yet because lawyers.



Somewhere else on site someone posted a funny tweet about Franken being a key catalyst for the hopefully soon-to-come downfall of this administration:


Hopefully there’s something else that he can be charged with which has more substance.


I’m not so sure about that. Not a top-secret-burn-after-reading clearance, but he’d have been privy to sensitive security information wrt coördinating state resources with the DHS and other Federal agencies, at least.

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Unfortunately there’s no one who can hold them to that simple standard. And as adults they should know how to behave responsibly. A lot of it they should have learned when they were kids, which is one of the problems with letting an overgrown spoiled child run things: he’s protected by surrounding himself with a lot of other overgrown spoiled children.


Yeah, I frequently feel like screaming, “This is a child’s strategy that wouldn’t even fool another child! Why are you falling for it?! WTF is wrong with you!?” Recognizing that this is because they’re either so hyper-partisan that they don’t care and/or are idiots doesn’t help much.


That the proverbial cookie jar had white chocolate chip/cranberry cookies instead of regular chocolate chip cookies makes not difference to me. Pence had/used private email system for Gov’t business while he railed against HRC for using a private email system. I’m beginning to think Pence is dumb enough to be proud of hypocrisy accusations.


It’s Mike Pence, of course the chips were white chocolate.


This is a problem, ala Hillary.

Crow? Eat it.

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