Millions of fake, unsanitary cans of Budweiser beer were made in underground China factory

Near Beer™

Notice how they fill the beer cans - by dunking them – along with their bare hands – in a plastic bin filled with who knows what kind of cheap beer.

Yeah, that’s the part that gacked me out, along with pulling them ahead of time from a cardboard box. shivers


I seem to recall (but can’t find now) a Bud Lite ad from the late 80’s/90’s that was an answer to Miller Lite’s, “Tastes Great, Less Filling” slogan.

“More taste” Not better mind you, just more.

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It’s common practice for monarchs to have body doubles for security purposes. Clearly these cans are serving in that way for the King of Beers.

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American beer is a lot like making love in a canoe.

It actually makes one wonder how the economics of the operation worked out:

They presumably needed some sort of vaguely beer-like fluid, unlikely to be much cheaper than whatever the local bottom feeding swill is(probably because it is the local bottom feeding swill); and the labor costs and product waste associated with that fill method must sting a bit.

Is this something that makes sense only when trademark enforcement is just weak enough that getting a no-questions-asked order for ‘one zillion empty budweiser cans’ filled is easy; but just scary enough that no legitimate low-end brewery would risk their business by quietly mislabeling some of their own product, with the benefit of automation and subject matter expertise?

Seems like a weird niche. Any sketchier and they’d have to start hand-painting the cans; any less sketchy and a more professional competitor would bury them in efficiency.

The tipoff should have been the slogan: “This Bud’s for Yoo”.


Yeah, not bad, but I’ve found better stuff in the aforementioned specialized shops. Once in a tiny shop, I even found some Anchor Steam Beer. I was delighted, I had read so much about it, and it was as nifty as I had hoped.

It does explain why Bud tastes better in China than the US


Extra fermentation?

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And then draining the canoe and drinking it?

Partially jk cause I love me some racer 5.

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Would not be surprised if it’s just Budweiser that “sloshed off the back of the truck” or something similar.

That joke just doesn’t work as well now


I think that’s a very fitting description of what the American DreamTM has eroded into.

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