Originally published at: Mine dies after choking on "live octopus" delicacy | Boing Boing
“You can really taste the wriggling!”
Mine dies after choking on “live octopus” delicacy
Mine did too.
So who ordered the Gagh?
Revenge is a dish best served to the person who paid to have you dismembered alive.
From what I heard when I visited Korea, it doesn’t help that customers often have had a lot to drink before attempting to eat live tentacles seems like a good idea.
Given how much we know about how intelligent these (creepy, sorry but they are creepy) creatures are, we need to increase pressure to make the eating of them illegal.
I have this fight with my wife all the time…her retort is that they’re intelligent and go great with some squeezed lemon. Le sigh.
serves him right.
octopodes are cool. don’t do this to them.
R.I.P. Timothy.
I clicked to see if there was a typo and a “miner” died after choking. Alas, there was no mention of the man’s occupation.
Maybe It was a M they were trying to use…
That wasn’t a meal, it was a fight to the death.
Kirk Douglas would have handed it differently.
Was the headline the result of autocorrect, speech-to-text, or plain old human error? Well, also lack of proofreading.
Crottled greeps, anyone?