Miracle MAGA water provides instant freedom with every sip

… perhaps an indication that they did many many takes and the actor was about to puke


“It isn’t about what’s inside the bottle. It isn’t even about the message. It’s about $3.50 per bottle in profits going into my pockets. That’s the message you need to spend.”

I have to ask: is this a real money grubbing Karen, or is this just another AI generated idiot?


Nope. They just ran a big hose over to the ocean near Mar-a-Lago. Imagine all that water just sitting there, available for free for anyone to suck up and sell! Why did it take a business genius (heavy /s) like God-Emperor Trump to come up with the idea to bottle it, ship it elsewhere, and sell it???

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Are these the same people that are against the socialists tyranny of the Environmental Protection Agency? Like a business should be free to dump chemical wherever it wants, even where these guys pump their drinking water?

Climate Change Help GIF by Abbey Luck

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Weird. I’ve never had a piss test tell me that I need to eat more cheeseburgers.


Well, there was that time that The Donald struggled to drink using both his tiny little hands, but I hesitate referring to that asshole as a “human.”


My guess: some galaxy-brain cultist looked at bottled water supporting green initiatives and thought “We can do that, too, but for FREEDOM.” They act like concern about the planet is some kind of zealous/religious belief, so they “counter” by making stuff that supports their own zealous/religious belief as it’s remotely equivalent.

Someone should warn them about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide.

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Water is an environmental necessity. Probably one of the wokest things ever, short of putting it in a bottle and grifting a large markup from the low-information deplorables. Some shitty genius realized it’s gotten to the point where it doesn’t even have to be anti-woke beer or Red Bull, or whatever. facepalm


TFG will soon attack her and everyone involved in this as a RINO, as he never got a cut of this, and they’re in competition with “Trump Ice”, which is somehow still available at his resorts despite being discontinued.


Don’t let the EPA tell you what you can and can’t drink! Freedom2O now has TWICE THE LEAD!!!


If it was spiked with MDMA, maybe some of them would be more human-being-like at the end of their trip. A boy can dream, eh?

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Looks like it will free a few bucks from your wallet, is all.
Unless you drink too much of it, then it will free the meat-puppet driver
from the control room.


And a mighty short hose, at that.


Trump bath water

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Now, that explains what he was doing in Russia, just ensuring the utmost quality of his product through rigorous testing!

It’s just our dirty minds that would wee something untoward in it.

PS: I honestly unintentionally mispelled “see”, but I thought it was okay to leave it as it is.


Is this for people who are too embarrassed to wear the red hat but want to signal their cult membership to other magas? I mean, the brand of bottled water is about the last thing I’d notice about someone.

Uh, excuse me snowflake, I don’t think you noticed what I’m drinking here


When my grandfather was a kid a bunch of people in his area went up on a hill and waited for the rapture. The rapture didn’t come and the people eventually came down from the hill. When I heard this story I asked my dad how people could believe in obvious b.s. He didn’t really have an answer.

I don’t understand how people are so enamored with the anti-woke, own-the-libs, Trumpism. The number of Trump flags and homemade crazy anti-Biden signs in my Western NY area is astounding. I think a lot of people are unhappy in modern life and this movement gives them something to blame that isn’t their fault. The fact that it is an obvious grift doesn’t matter to them.