Miss Teen USA to keep crown despite use of racial slurs

That’s honestly the smartest way to do it; no risks.


A 20-year old friend would accompany me to the liquor store. When he turned 21 he went to buy something for himself and didn’t get carded. He asked why and the guy behind the counter said, “I see you in here all the time.”


The crazy one was I didn’t have a proper dating life/girlfriend till I was 21… she was umm 17 (yeah yeah, she made the first move and her parents were actually very cool). On the rare times I would get something the remark was always that would never have carded her.


Like, I know! Right?


I mean, sure, she did do these tweets as a kid, but this is the Miss Teen USA pageant, so in theory she’s being evaluated for her character as, well, a teenager, which absolutely includes a period that extends to a couple years ago. Going forward, though, I’d say this is an albatross she gets to carry until she makes it clear she’s overcome her shitty upbringing by vehemently denouncing it. Given her values, I suspect that won’t ever happen. However, this following her around is more deserved than a lot of things that follow people throughout their lives that they have no control over and are hugely destructive.


This is sadly how a lot of young people talk to each other on the interwebs and hanging out with each other. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree im guessing…


I literally cannot find any difference sufficient enough for me to be able to tell those 5 Barbie dolls apart. Guess it would have helped if I had had a Barbie doll, growing up? The only two blond(e)s I knew growing up were both a year ahead of me (one male, one female), and I knew them because they were school bullies. Now, blondes are everywhere, especially on TV, and they all look virtually identical to me.


A child-appropriate 88 shirt. The mind boggles, and the spirit weeps.


Well, if you look around you will see “88” on a A LOT of things for use as a design element more than anything. It’s also used to refer to a date or sports jersey sometimes as well. So I doubt that shirt was made for and bought from a pro-Nazi store. I suspect it was bought in a regular store, as I have seen the number used many times that way. Especially since that is fairly complicated with all those elements to manufacture, and poor Nazis in trailers can usually only afford single color silk screened black t-shirts.


Something about it looks weird. I’m wondering if it’s been re-cut or re-purposed from a Drew Pearson or Dez Bryant Cowboys jersey. Though that’s probably not a real great question to bring up at that particular event.


Hay, crowned Saturday in Vegas, will continue to receive support for “her continued growth,” the organization told People Magazine.

Yes, penalizing her appropriately for her odious use of racist slurs isn’t right because it would harm her future.

Hmm, that sounds familiar. And it smells just like, um . . . oh of course – white privilege!


Fun fact; my mom is a blonde, pale skin, blue eyes and all.

But the physical similarity stops there; as she’s also smart and actually conscious of the immense racial disparity of our society, as well as her own privilege… probably due in part to having raised 3 biracial children.

I had a couple of blonde Barbies, but as I’ve noted previously, my mom went out of her way to find dolls that looked more like me.


There are all kinds of posts, okay? Believe me, I’m not going to respond to all of them the same way, that would be…it would be sad…and I’m definitely not sad, believe me. Just keep reading, because my responses will be terrific, believe me.


Lose the self righteous tones.
She did a fucked up thing, but take the comments by xnlb

  • that was three years ago
  • ppl change!
  • so you can say n*gger but we can’t?
  • she’s a child!
    So what does this means?
    that time from something is meaningless?
    that people cant change?
    that we cant forgive young people?
    As for the last one that is correct we cant…but that idea would come from a place of ignorance
    So think this out… she made some fucked up comments got caught and had to rightfully do a public apology. But if its impossible to have some non violent fucked up shit in your past go away with your future actions why would anyone try? If she doubled down on this or keep doing it sure, crucify away. But everyone needs to have the right to make amends and get on with their life. Every person here at some time in life got away with something that today they don’t do, think if you had been caught and that had never gone away…
    Show some compassion.
    and yes beauty pageants are weird.

Did anyone win the pool?


So glad there was no Twitter when I was a kid


It’s not just you. I grew up around plenty of blondes, living in Southern California during the Sun-Lovin’ Malibu Barbie years, and my sister owned a couple of Barbies (and a Skipper too). But as far as I can tell, the Carolinas are sisters, and Nevada, Texas, and Alabama might as well be the same girl.


Are you intentionally misrepresenting what he wrote?

Well congrats, hope you feel better about pointing out this guy doing something he didn’t do

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It’s heritage, not hate!

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Actually, I quoted the person correctly. He was upset by a tweet included in the OP and added that people should “lose the self-righteous tones.” I just pointed out that I find his defense of the young lady’s previous racist remarks to be utterly predictable.