Mississippi Republican calls to "succeed" from the union after Biden victory

I am pretty sure the Government of Mississippi does not have the authority to strip US citizenship from any US citizen who does not want to give it up.


This is the right take. U.S. citizens generally have to take voluntary action to have their citizenship stripped. See 8 U.S.C. § 1481.

(IAAL, but this is not legal advice.)


Nothing secedes like secess


I honestly can’t remember what news event prompted these but I made these back in the day with Build Your Own Meat. I apparently liked the concept so much I made two different punchlines.




The downside of that(aside from any humanitarian concerns regarding the fact that even a willingness to wear a MAGA hat might not make someone’s declining economic relevance and probable slide into penury desirable) is that it suggests that a great many of those voters are, at some level, motivated by the sense that the system has passed them by and discarded them and they might as well burn it all down.

The difficultly of such an attitude is that it’s obviously destructive, no especially productive even for them; and anywhere between ‘willing’ and ‘desperate’ for collateral damage; but (while it is fertile ground for assorted ridiculous lies and exploitation by con men) it isn’t itself false which makes it a lot harder to combat.

The various conspiracy theories are risible; and the promises of the demagogues pitifully hollow; but you can swat at those all day without making much headway so long as people have the vague sense that their place in the future is at risk.




I thought the state motto was “Hey! We’re a US state. We’re not Actual Mexico you idiots! Learn some geography! (also, the state with Saguaros is AZ not NM)”

Had to edit to add a secondary motto: “We think pain is a flavor”.


I seem to remember California doing the same was talked about by left wingers back in 2016.

They have the lowest per capita GDP of any state. Let’s face it, if they actually seceded, they’d end up a 3rd world dictatorship that denied the vote to the non-white 40% of the population. Now, if the white, conservative portion of Mississippi became its own country, what was left would be significantly better off for it.

Well, they’re last place in educational attainment overall, last I checked…


The weak loser Welfare Queens in Mississippi and a bunch of other Red States would immediately become destitute countries. They have been suckling off the Blue State taxpayers for decades. If it weren’t for the electoral college and the limitation of the size of Congress back in the early 20th century they wouldn’t have the political power to force the rest of us to support their delusions.


Please DO link to verifiable sources that time when an elected Democrat state Rep called for CA to “succeed.”


“Calexit” was only being promoted seriously by one New Yorker who just happened to live in Moscow.


“We need to succeed (sic) from the union and form our own country.”

“I truly love the USA and Mississippi and would never support any idea of seceding from the union.”

One of these things is not like the other.


Thats called Sedition.

Lock’m up


If he wants some place for all of his fellow RWNJ miscreants to move to as their libertarian paradise, there is Runit in the Marshall Islands. Its uninhabited, warm, and tropical

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But some angry liberals with no power in 2016 on twitter suggesting faithless electors vote for Clinton is exactly the same as Trump and 99% of the GOP delegitimizing the election and refusing to acknowledge Biden as president-elect, and using the power of the government to keep them from implementing a transition plan.

Given that Mississippi receives far more in federal funding than they pay in federal taxes, it seems that they’ve been succeeding from the union for decades.


I never said anything about an elected state rep. Just that I remember left wing people rumbling about it. Considering that this thread had already included discussion of Mississippi residents in general, not just the original tweeter, it was a germane comment. The idea that these calls are just the ramblings of right-wing-nuts is incorrect.

Seems like a false equivalency, especially since it wasn’t an actual “left wing” issue so much as the pet issue of a single non-Californian working as an agent of the Russian government for the apparent purpose of stirring shit up.


So… apples and oranges, in other words.

Disgruntled randos with no power venting on the Twits is NOT on the same level as an elected official intentionally sowing discord and promoting lawlessness.

Who here even implied that, though?

False equivalency is false.

Dammit, man;
