Missouri legislator responds to abortion controversy by slaughtering chicken. 'God gave man dominion over animals.'


How does that…



I’ve lived in three states in my life. Texas, Oklahoma, and now Missouri. Pacific Northwest sounds nice. Is it sane there? Or at least the fun kinda crazy instead of the slaughtering a chicken to make a political point kinda crazy?

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For now. She’s up for reelection in 2018, and would have probably lost in 2012 if it weren’t for Akin’s comments about a woman’s body being able to “shut that whole thing down” or whatever the hell he said when asked about a woman getting pregnant from a rape. The political climate is different now, unfortunately. The GOP will try very hard to take that seat. If I’m still living here then (please let me be somewhere else by then), I will definitely vote for her, but it’s likely to be a brutal campaign.


I mostly eat local small farm eggs, and most of them are fertile, some have the red dots, on rare occasion a pinky thumbnail sized embryo. i think the benefit is mostly knowing your eggs came from a smaller scale farm with a rooster? the eggs i get seem more nutritious, but that is because they are fed well, not fertilized.

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The pro-life people are always pro capital punishment, pro war, against health care, against food assistance, against environmental protection, etc. They are the most anti-life pro-death crowd around, they don’t even really care about the life of a fetus, it is more about legislating away women’s reproductive rights with a heap of sex negative “morality”.


Anyone who disagrees with him will end up just like a butchered fowl. And if he can’t do it himself, then his very own personally interested god created a special place of eternal torture just for such unbelievers.

Remember, christian dominionists think in just the same way as islamic extremist terrorists. They just happened to be in america first.


Unless he turns out to be Salvador Dali in disguise, I have no idea.

Upon reflection, there aren’t enough giraffes for Dali.

No idea here.


Yeah, that sounds better. I was trying to imply the same with the added “he’s a bit of a cock” as well, but less is more in this case!

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Not always. I’d like to think there are a few good people who got hoodwinked into believing wrong-headed things, but you’re spot on about the politicians. They don’t care about life, not even the lives of the unborn that they pretend to care about.


The chicken thing aside, how can he introduce legislation making abortion illegal when the Roe v. Wade disallows such restrictions by the state?


Same way other states have been doing it: introduce it, pass it, sign it, then have it defeated in court. He doesn’t actually care about fetuses or whatever. It’s about grandstanding on abortion to fundraise on it for years.


I was just watching Sarah Silverman’s Netflix comedy special. She recommended urethral probes to show men their sperm before they decide to masturbate.

Maybe Marcel Duchamp? More likely Andy Kaufman.


When he starts wrestling Jerry Lawler then I’ll know I’ve been had.

Joshu removed his sandals and, placing them on his head, walked out.

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Good point about the distinction between the politicians and the people. Thanks for the reminder. I find the majority of people to be basically decent when you strip away all the rest of the BS used to divide us.


Not to mention hoping that a new Supreme Court will overturn Roe vs. Wade, when it gets there.


These are mostly old people who think that Roe v. Wade was only ten years ago or so.

By now, Roe v. Wade is entrenched as the law of the land. Even Roberts and Alito think so.

That’s not to say that I don’t think that the Supreme Court could do serious damage if the wrong justices are appointed.


You’re probably right, but I daresay some legislators are always hoping to topple it somehow.


Even with the current makeup of SCOTUS, there are really no novel angles by which RvW can be brought to them. The last several attempts have resulted in a “no, you can’t do that” or a remand to Circuit Court because CC ruled correctly. This is grandstanding that will cost the taxpayers of Missouri a pile of money that would’ve been far better spent on reproductive education. Even if banning abortion is your hobby horse, it’s well past time to move on to proven means of reducing unwanted pregnancies. But they won’t because it’s not about precious babbies, it’s about damning “sluts” with a heaping pile of racism tossed on top.


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