Missouri State Highway Patrol shows you how to make meth

It’s his almost comically-large nostrils and capacious nose – the brain-like convolutions allow him to detect [something funny that I haven’t thought of yet] at an average of 3.7 miles.


Hemp Oil.


Would give you explosive diarrhea, not that it’s a bad thing…

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If you are gonna live in Missouri.


Like this?

Or this?

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Anyone with the chemistry skill to successfully produce a batch of meth without blowing themselves up also has the ability to Google the recipe (or to visit any university library and read it in a chemistry textbook).

Even if that weren’t the case, obscuring the method won’t stop people from cooking; it will just make it more likely that they do so incompetently (and dangerously).

Want folks to stop using nasty drugs like meth? Address the social and psychological causes of drug abuse (child abuse, sexual assault, economic desperation, untreated psychological illness in general, etc etc). And stop banning relatively safe alternative drugs such as LSD and MDMA.


It’s funny you should say that. Chemistry textbooks aren’t, in general, just lists of recipes for synthesizing particular things, or to the extent that they are, the recipes presume access to a great many hard-to-acquire materials, techniques and bits of apparatus. Having said that, I did once have an exam question specifically about synthesizing meth. Certain chemistry professors talk a lot about the chemistry of illegal drugs, as it’s pretty much the only way for them to seem cool to the young people.

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I fear I have to agree. For a few years I really thought I had found high ground in the web swamp. I had forgotten the variety of other things that float.

OTOH, books like http://www.amazon.com/Pihkal-A-Chemical-Love-Story/dp/0963009605 and http://www.amazon.com/Tihkal-The-Continuation-Alexander-Shulgin/dp/0963009699 are.

(well, mostly; there’s also a psychedelic romance narrative at the start of PiHKAL. And Shulgin makes a point of not showing the simplest synthesis techniques when he’s talking about particularly nasty examples)

We didn’t do any significant drug synthesis while I was in research, but that was mostly just because it was easier (albeit more expensive) to order them direct from the government analytical labs.

The broader point, however, stands: most of these things are not that difficult to produce, the knowledge of how to do so is not very hard to find, and there are plenty of competent chemists about who have both the skill and inclination to do so.


Nah, it’s kinda more like Zaphod Beeblebrox: They’re just these guys, you know?

They enjoy their snark, sometimes a little too much - as do I, I hasten to note - sometimes post wildly idealistic stuff, sometimes post dumb stuff, sometimes post ill-considered things, occasionally have traumatic emotional dramas in public. In other words, people. As long as you don’t over-idealize them, it’s a pretty good place.

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(I kid, I kid!!!)


I tried artisanal meth before it was cool.


The video’s no longer available - the cops did a DMCA copyright takedown.

(Regarding an earlier post, there was a paper out a year or so back on how to synthesize Sudafed from easily obtained meth.)


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