Modi's majority in doubt in "shock" Indian election result

Originally published at:


Fuck Modi and his bunch of fascists.


Fingers crossed!


But will Modi accept the results of the election? I’m so tired of this sick game being played.


Modi doesn’t need to resort to claims of vote-rigging. The BJP will still be the biggest party in Parliament. They will govern if they can put together a coalition with other parties.

  • Early results from India’s general election suggest incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on track to win a rare third term in office

  • But they also suggest Modi’s Hindu nationalist BJP party has fallen short of the 272 seats needed for a majority on its own and will need members of its alliance to form a government

  • Modi’s main rival, the Indian National Congress led by Rahul Gandhi, created a coalition with dozens of other political parties to mount a challenge to Modi’s seemingly enduring popularity

  • The BJP and its allies are ahead in more than 290 seats

  • The opposition, led by the Congress Party, is doing better than expected with leads in more than 230 seats

  • Modi won his seat in the city of Varanasi by a comfortable margin - though lower than expected

  • Gandhi has also been re-elected as an MP


Good news. Let’s start turning the tide against these bigoted, authoritarian assholes, anyway that we can.


They threw a party for this guy at the football stadium about four years ago.
I didn’t know much about him at the time, but when the usual festival of jackasses showed up - Lord Dampnut, the Texas Troika, etc, - to curry favor, it told me all I needed to know…

Yeah, fuck this guy.


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