Mom promotes idea of breastfeeding her kid and friend's kid: #MilkSiblings

Again, I have no issue or argument against the various practices. Hell, I can cogently argue for most of them.

I just find that if you get really devoted to letting everyone know something that isn’t actually a big deal (like getting naked in public) you may be fetishistically reacting to your environmental taboos rather than merely pointing out those taboos.

I mean, if you live in a society where public nudity is forbidden, you are carrying that cultural standard even if you rationally disagree with it. To react against it requires an effort of will, and efforts of will require strong motivation. Which, again, is fine. It’s good to have people motivated to get rid of taboos, even if their motivations are a little… personal.


I get back when the whole WASPy science tells us formula is better and Jesus says sensuality makes him cry but more traditional communities as well as the hippy back to the crunchy movements have normalized sharing milk for a long time back. WTF else do you do if you are watching your sister’s or friend’s kid and you don’t do formula?
Why is there a smell of incest or molestation shaming for something as natural as it gets?
Breasts, yes they are sensual, but that sensuality is primarily wired to be enjoyed between mother and child at feeding/comfort time, only secondarily as a part of lovemaking.


<img src=“//” width=“300" height=250">


By the time my child hit puberty, I’d happily have swapped her for a goat. The house would have been tidier.



  • Soy (as pointed out)
  • Almond
  • Rice
  • Magnesia
  • Human Kindness

See Also: 11 kinds (and counting)

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I think you may be right. I hope so at least.

It’s gotta be… the other one was clearly real, but that one has GOT to be a parody. Also, it’s on thought catalog, raising the likelihood of it being a parody.


I am so hungry.

When a man does it, she receives even more pleasure because the breast is sensitive to facial hair, and now that my son Mason is old enough to grow facial hair, our breastfeeding sessions have become even more pleasurable for me.


This has to be satire.

Breastfeed all you want - in public or elsewhere but please don’t use your child to stimulate yourself.

Delivered in an Eddie Haskell voice, I hope.

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There is nothing unnatural about it. It might be uncomfortable if the other kid wants to bang his friend’s mom when he gets older, but I’m sure they can figure out a way to deal with that if it happens.

Soy milk? Since when do soybeans have tits? (and if you find a picture of that, I’ll gladly award you the internet for the day!)

Just because it’s an opaque white color doesn’t make it “milk”.

(and almonds, I’m keeping my eyes on you as well!)

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I for one, am pro-boobies in all their marvelous forms. #boobies2016

I love this attitude. people have bodies, their are several types of bodies that come stock, and people may get aftermarket parts as they see fit. their are various body parts that distinguish the sexes but they all come with the “welcome to humanity” certificate. Let people be comfortable in their own skin for crying out loud.

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Of course the first link is satire:

I press on. Because at the end of the day, it’s my body, and it’s my choice, and I don’t care what the state or the manager of Kohl’s or even what Mason has to say about it

That and I have a hormonal imbalance.

Oh also every article by this author on Thought Catalogue is absurd:


Yeah, I don’t have nor do I want kids so I’ll defer to parents mostly on any point regarding that, but it seems like it’s not always a hard process to get the kid eating other things.

I wonder if it being very difficult past a certain developmental stage could also be an early sign of differences with the child?

Again, no specialist, but it seems like if you’re hitting two years and having trouble something might be going on that isn’t just “bad mothering” and maybe bears some looking into.

First thing that comes to mind, for instance, is that part of the reason my mother took the stance she did was that feeding was hard for her. She was formula raised, and really sickly. She had lots of issues throughout childhood. As it turns out she has Celiac.

But in the 50’s they really didn’t understand much about those kinds of things.

For those reasons I’d be a bit slow to jump on a woman whose kid isn’t transitioning well. There may be something going on there.

I know there are some breastfeeding zealots out there, but that doesn’t mean any kid who is late getting off of breastmilk is inherently the victim of bad mothering.

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This is more the window I’m talking about. I’m at an age where a lot of my friends are having kids and it seems like it’s really not that cut and dry from the medical community. Sure, they all agree, say by three the kid shouldn’t be breastfeeding still.

It seems like 6 months is early, but not actually linked to obvious disability or anything (after all some kids were raised on formula only due to other medical issues and end up ok, not to mention that babies seem to have a kind of recovery time where they can regain losses that would be harder as an older child).

It seems like two is kind of pushing it, but hard to point specifically to what damage it does if any?

So, the the thing is, that leaves like a year and a half of wiggle room where people get really really angry at women no matter what they do.

And with that I’m really kind of glad I won’t have to deal with that ever!