Mom promotes idea of breastfeeding her kid and friend's kid: #MilkSiblings


Where are you from, again?

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Oh man, I forgot about this! I loved that show. That skit was the funniest shit! Me and my girlfriend watched that over and over. I love how it progressed to all the way to the church getting married. Those guys were geniuses.

Nowhere special! Seriously, co-nursing and wetnurses were super common right up to the beginning of the 20th century.

#####grumble grumble-making fun of my guesses at etymology-grumble

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All kids nurse from a goat (except orphinks).


Well, teenagers tend not to drink it directly from the cow, so itā€™s not exactly the same! I think it probably does end up doing more harm than good past a certain stage. I think most parents are more than capable of telling when this point is, but not all apparently (though I have no idea how common that kind of thing is really, a small handful of cases are probably enough to make it into the news).

The article indicates sheā€™s been feeding the child for the last year, and as stated later in the comments, breastfeeding is encouraged until age 2 by the WHO. Whoever they are.

Yeah, holy satire, batman! The link about the 7 year old is not satire, but the teenage one to which you refer to is not an article based on facts.



Can someone tell my little mutant sheā€™s still meant to be breastfeeding? At 4 months (corrected) she refused me and started on pretty much full time formula. Little scamp. Also, I have no issues with shared breastfeeding providing the parents of the other kid agree.

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It should also be noted that it was written by a male comedian (his word not mine) who writes what some might refer to as offensive satire under a female name (Nicole, his female alter ego).

Iā€™m not disagreeing with you (yes, milk is fatty and dairy contributes to higher cholesterol) but at one time dairy was a strong ally in the advance of civilization.

That said, if I could lactate I would probably be slipping off for a little nip on a regular basis, considering how much I love dairy products.

I sure as hell wouldnā€™t be sharing it with the neighborhood kids.

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That first one has GOT to be satireā€¦ There is just no way that can be realā€¦

The Psychology today article is an interesting oneā€¦

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Umā€¦ Is there any other kind of milk?
A socially perceived weird thing is that itā€™s strange when adults want to drink milk from their own species. Yeah, how weird is it when you really get down to it that itā€™s ok for adults to drink ruminant or even horse milk, but not primate milkā€¦


Probably not. If the moms are that close that theyā€™re nursing both children, then the families are close enough that the kids will likely regard the ā€œotherā€ mom as mom#2.

I know, I know, ruining the humorā€¦ sorry.

Wait, Iā€™ll atone.

ā€œWhy yes Mrs. Robinson, Iā€™d love some milkā€¦ā€

With Rich, Chocolate Ovaltineā„¢ please!

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This doesnā€™t bug me at all, but I can never help thinking that when there is a mild social taboo against something like this, the people who make a big deal about it probably have slightly weird motivations.

Like nudism. Totally fine, doesnā€™t bother me at all (does it bother anyone?), but yeah, thereā€™s something a little ā€œprotest too muchā€ about its proponents.

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Can you, um, put your finger on what impresses you as being weird about it?

I have noticed that I can advocate in many different areas of life without people getting weirded out. But when the subject is sex and/or nudity, people tend to react strongly. I think most of it probably happens because of deep, deep behavioral conditioning to separate sexual behaviors from normal daily life. Hide it, or some kid is going to see a naked person and itā€™s the end of the world. So everybody needs to be more or less relaxed, but yet deeply embarrassed and inhibited on some level. But it doesnā€™t really do anything, in any practical sense.

This is why protesting for sex-positivity and body-positivity gets so weird. The main arguments against it tend to be crusty old religious prohibitions which arenā€™t taken seriously anymore - yet giving them up would be unthinkable. The psychology of sexual repression is well understood, but hardly anybody seems willing to let go of it, because everybody has been conditioned to worry about what everybody else will think. But in a contemporary, humanistic, secular society - nobody is supposed to need to shape their lives around this kind of superstitious nonsense anymore.

Being forced to wear clothes happens to protect other people from their own irrational shame, which makes it functionally rather different from any other injunctions. Why is it my responsibility to cater to other peopleā€™s shame, which isnā€™t even healthy for them in the first place?


Indeed, I meant human breast milk.

That being said, as I mentioned in the remainder of my comment, thereā€™s also the fact that we donā€™t control food intake and chemical exposure or lifestyle of most humans, so it makes more sense that, like most other food, milk from livestock is considered ā€œnormalā€. Certainly doesnā€™t mean we couldnā€™t do that with humans - thatā€™s what milk banks are starting to do now.