Originally published at: Breastfeeding mom was secretly filmed and shamed on Facebook. Here's the mom's epic response | Boing Boing
Ah yes, the unforgivable crime of “nourishing another human being with life-sustaining liquid.”
I’m glad she included a bit of the now-deleted video. While I didn’t look very closely (I was more interested in just listening to her response) it seems like the person who filmed her went out of their way just to see what she was doing.
While I like the suggestion of congratulating women who breastfeed in public in principle I think I’ll continue doing what I’ve always done: look away and let them go on with what they’re doing.
I get the feeling that the shamer did not breast-feed her son.
“Your breasts are for your husband and no one else…” I wish this was a (/s), but I have seen this in the wild.
Does that come from Evangelical tracts on the correct Christian level of kinkiness in the bedroom?
Isn’t posting a video of a woman’s breast to a public site against the law? Especially if it was done against the person’s will?
Also, posting a video with someone else’s child, without permission? Hinky, at least.
You’d think that after writing this bit, the shaming person would have reflected just a LITTLE:
“I shouldn’t have to cover my son’s eyes and explain why your boobs are out”
Man, this sort of thing infuriates me. I am a huge proponent of breast feeding and they shouldn’t have to cover up like some they are Victoria era ankles.
Cover your 4 year old eyes? WHY? Are you that prudish? Kids, especially young kids, don’t care. It isn’t sexual or embarrassing.
I distinctly remember having a friend over when I was probably 7ish and my mom was breast feeding my brother. My friend saw it, and then we went into my room to play Star Wars.
If she wanted to draw her son’s attention to this mother’s breasts, she couldn’t have done any better than to cover the kid’s eyes.
If someone is forbidden from seeing something, they are going to want to see all the more, to try to understand what is being forbidden.
This is what happens when your country was a dumping ground for religious prudes for a couple of centuries.
The irony for me is that the shamer showed no respect to the mother and baby. They chose to film it and to share it without their knowledge.
too lazy to produce an image: the left panel of which is an ugly old ‘topless’ man with manboobs and some sort of ironic “This is fine.”; and the right panel a nursing mother surrounded by a cast of The Music Man declaring “trouble! trouble!”.
dammit, if “men” may go topless then why not everyone else!?
<cue Ain’t Nothing but Mammals song>
“No one wants to see that!!!”
Proceeds to film and upload it to the internet for everyone to see.
Can’t help wondering when TF we’re gonna get over our founders’ being fuckwits so uptight the Brits kicked 'em out.
(The City of New Orleans would like a word…)
I worked with an American who once said “My country’s history makes a lot more sense when you remember that the first European settlers were a mix of religious nuts and mercenaries.”
Hey, that was just at the beginning. Later it was more frequently used as a penal colony.
The whole world has already wasted too much time and energy over pointless boob related neuroses.
“Won’t somebody think of the children inappropriately?”