Originally published at: Montana rejects new public library logo over concerns it resembles a Pride flag | Boing Boing
Imagine being so homophobic that you end up hating prisms
I assume it’s supposed to represent a prism a-la the cover art for Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side of the Moon.
This story for those who have ever designed a logo that had to be approved by a committee and thought the process couldn’t possibly get any worse…
Whoah there buddy. Don’t be bringin’ none of that hoo-hah into this here repository of knowledge!
This just in: Montana state legislature has banned the use of prisms and rain because their use may inadvertently generate rainbows which may confuse people into thinking the state is gay.
Isaac Newton is probably too gay for them as well
Newton had a close friendship with the Swiss mathematician Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, whom he met in London around 1689—some of their correspondence has survived. Their relationship came to an abrupt and unexplained end in 1693, and at the same time Newton suffered a nervous breakdown, which included sending wild accusatory letters to his friends Samuel Pepys and John Locke. His note to the latter included the charge that Locke “endeavoured to embroil me with woemen”.
In related news, Montana issues arrest warrant for LeVar Burton, and obtains injunction against knowing more.
Meanwhile, turning that logo into blue, black, and gray makes me think of a Blue Lives Matter flag. Possibly not unintentional.
I consider it a victory that queerphobes have been painted into such a small corner that we own colour now.
Suck on my wavelengths, losers.
Also for anyone who would ask the question “how could it possibly cost $130K to design a visual identity?”
Because we designers have to deal with this shit, that’s why.
$1000 for the first version, $129,000 for consultation and revisions.
I remember that lesson in church. God flooded the world, then when it was over sent a rainbow to signal that it’s ok now, everything is gay.
My first thought exactly. The only way they could make the colors of a library sign more off-putting is if it were military camo.
Even Jesus had two dads.
And then we had Ruth/Naomi and David/Jonathan
Absolutely nothing homoerotic there, honest!
And he didn’t have a Y chromosome.
I have mixed feelings about that interpretation. Obviously gay people were just as common back then and their relationships would have been kept hidden, and there’s clearly been a lot of historians dedicated to overlooking them. At the same time, Newton is supposed to be one because…deep emotional relationships between men don’t happen otherwise, and ace people aren’t a thing? I don’t know that seems right either.