"Most Idahoans not wearing masks are unvaccinated. "

Been trying to do that shit for 44 years now…


Maybe they can try to take a tiny step towards for literally once. But they can’t even be bothered to think outside their own blinkered needs to those around them who are vulnerable. They’d rather remain vectors and drag this shit out than do a tiny bit of anything to help others.


Can you add the ability to your poll to choose more than one? If you’re ticking A, you are likely to want to tick B as well.


Exactly what I was thinking.


Yeah, no kidding. I’m in the Phila burbs. Most stores have a sign saying No masks required if you’re vaccinated.
We assume you are vaccinated if you have no mask.
We will not be checking for vaccine cards.

Who could possibly have guessed that putting anti-maskers on the honor system would backfire?

Oh, right. Everybody.


I don’t know if I could change it without affecting the current votes, but my intention was that the second option should be “I won’t be affected, but people I care about would be severely negatively affected”.

Obviously that isn’t what I typed, but I make mistakes.


Some people seem like they just never want the pandemic to end.



I think you’re being genuine here, and prioritising how to be right over merely picking the right side, which is commendable. It would be better if we all did it, and any one of us can start doing it without waiting for our opponents to go first.

But, that’s also why I basically agree with most of the other posters in this particular case.

A point that is mostly missing from Christian ethics (but is the foundation of Confucian ethics) is that, to act ethically, you first have to know stuff – you can’t make better choices than a squirrel if you understand no more about your situation than a squirrel would.

Suppose I had a conversation with a Turmp-supporting anti-vaxxer in good faith (it’s not impossible). If they earnestly wanted to know why I have the positions I do, all I could say would be “because I have been working at understanding things and questioning my prejudices for more years than you have left to live”.

That’s a dick answer, and it certainly doesn’t make me the righteous person. Plenty of right-wingers are more selfless and empathetic than I am, and could be better people if they didn’t cloak themselves in ignorance. But they do though. When an adult has the moral equipment of a child – by choice – what good is there in treating them like a peer?


Devolve? DEVOLVE??!?!


NONE. Antibodies are detectable in blood a maximum of 6 months out from virus exposure or infection. Why, exactly, do you think it is that flu shots are necessary every year and that you get colds every winter? Maybe you should do a smidge of cursory research into coronaviruses.

LOL, “conservatives” first.


I mean, conservatives don’t even need to start building bridges first, they just need to stop setting fire to the ones they are offered. So long as they are, it’s worse than a waste of time to find common ground with them, it’s selling out on vulnerable people. You’d think after a hundred thousand casualty war over this garbage America would have figured that out.


There is a huge difference between the headline:

Most Idahoans not wearing masks are unvaccinated.

And the numbers provided to back that up:

which means that most unvaccinated Idahoans have stopped wearing masks - not the other way 'round. (unless Idaho’s vaccination rate is 14% or lower.)


The reason that you can get influenza or colds repeatedly is that there are many different strains of those viruses and they mutate rapidly, so your immunity to one infection doesn’t protect you against other strains and future mutations. Flu shots change every year to try to inoculate against the strains that are thought to be most likely to be circulating in that year, and not because they are reboosting your immunity from previous infections or vaccinations.

Your antibody response to any infection wanes rapidly after you recover, even for a pathogen where your body can develop long-term immunity. Long-term immunity is not from your body maintaining high levels of antibodies indefinitely, but from remembering how to produce antibodies for that pathogen when it’s encountered again.

It just hasn’t been long enough yet to tell how long immunity lasts in response to a COVID-19 infection. But decreasing levels of antibodies in people who have had COVID-19 is not by itself an indication that their immune response to it has gone away.

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t seem to entirely evade immunity, but it’s so much better at replicating than other variants that even for people who have immunity to SARS-CoV-2 due to previous vaccination or infection with other variants, it can still replicate enough to develop infection while the immune system is ramping up its response. So even though those people are unlkely to develop serious disease from the Delta variant they can still catch it and spread it.


What really irks me is that I am desperately waiting for it to be my turn to get a shot while these people could get it right now and don’t care.

The US should at least export every dose an idiot doesn’t want to take. That way their stupidity would have a net zero effect on world immunity and the US would alleviate at least some of the effects of the vaccine nationalism that it carries on from Trump’s policies


After my brother-in-law caught COVID and was quite sick for weeks (fortunately not bad enough to get hospitalized) he was REALLY motivated to get vaccinated once they became available.


important to add that vaccination ( so far as i understand ) tends train a person’s immune system better than simply being infected does

they’re recommending anyone who’s been infected also get vaccinated to make sure you have a good immune system response and to give you a broader range of response against the variants


Hey, since we’ve had hundreds of millions around the world given the vaccine how about some studies on how many people have become autistic since getting the shot. I mean with a massive sample size there should be thousands of people that came down with autism because of vaccine’s side effects according to celebrities that know more than doctors.

Begins moving goal posts to the location of “But it only happens to children you give vaccines to not adults”.


This kind of sums up a lot of my feelings. What incentive is there for me to educate the racist-ass old man down the street? Any effort I’d expend would give me approximately zero return on my investment. Fuck 'em. I’d rather educate my kids and spend time making sure my peers are safe rather than someone who wouldn’t piss on me if I were engulfed in flames.

You get what you give, but I’m not interested in ANYTHING the Trumper further down the street has to offer me, based on his rather blatant public displays over the past 4 years.


In the past I would have refused to echo those kind of sentiments but seeing this shit first hand, it’s hard not to. These people are proud to be ignorant or self-destructive and they’d do the same exact thing during the next crisis and the ones after that. They think living out in the middle of nowhere is going to protect them from everything which is dumbest thing I could imagine with these folks. It’s hard to support people who are willing to take themselves off the board because they’re quick to believe the largest load of horse crap. Those maniacs are the type of people who would cause trouble during another calamity. But luckily they’re hurting themselves significantly more than others at the moment.


I do try to remember that there are Turmplings who work in care homes, and go out of their way to help their neighbors, and what not – they’re not all the straight-up goblins we usually picture – but yeah.

Even if you wanted to be a full Christian martyr about it, would you jump into a river after someone who’s padlocked 200lbs of bike chains to themselves? At a certain point it’s just vanity.


To prevent the further spread of false ideas? If just letting racists be solved racism, it would have died out by now.