Motorcyclist lucky

Round my way (in my heart/head, that is), fast moving heavy machinery have no business around human flesh. They just don’t mix, period.

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As Seth Meyers said, “Motorcycles are the cigarettes of transportation.”

Doesn’t really matter how careful the motorcyclist is. He’ll be just as dead when a car runs him over because that driver wasn’t careful.

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…which is why we learn how to see them coming and dodge.

I’ve got over twenty years as an everyday urban motorcyclist; never broken a bone, never spilt a drop of blood.

It can be done with a reasonable degree of safety, but it is much more operator-dependent than a car that’s loaded with airbags and crumple zones. Agility only protects you if you’re alert enough to use it.


Driving neither car nor motorcycle, I’ve always thought of the motorcyclists ≡ organdonors thing as unfair. Although cognizant of its primary function as rueful hospital humour, wouldn’t it would be fairer to equate cardrivers with organtakers? Not much use to a hospital I suppose.


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