
I’m very aerodynamic but I fear for like my nose and ears and stuff!


Lifting body?


Dog Car GIF


(excerpt) It looks set to join a U.S. military task force that is primarily on call to help respond to domestic nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks and other incidents.

Emphasis on domestic. Obviously built for command of onsite **military response to domestic terrorism now almost certain. But only one vehicle?

(excerpt) ** “When directed, JTF-CS deploys to command and control DOD forces and conducts CBRN response operations in support of civil authorities in order to save lives, prevent further injury, and provide temporary critical support to enable community recovery.” The latter point about working under civilian authorities is important because the U.S. military, by law, is prohibited from or otherwise restricted when it comes to conducting law enforcement and certain other kinds of missions domestically in anything but a supporting capacity. At the same time, the armed forces possess a slew of capabilities that law enforcement and other civil agencies don’t have and can offer immense additional capacity when it comes to things like logistics and communications in response to a crisis. Having task forces like JTF-CS in place helps reduce the lag time between when an incident first occurs and when military support can swing into action.

Yes. It’s come to this. (And in certain circumstances, the military may be much more trustworthy than any police force.)

I found what was at the back of my mind.

Victor Bouffort__Suitcase Scooter__1962__01


How many attacks do you expect?

Re the domestic angle - this is a contingency against an attack happening at home, but the attackers could just as well be from abroad.

With some PDs and their equipment it’s hard to tell the difference.


That landing is bonkers (obviously). Looking at the airport layout the wheels didn’t touch until they were more than halfway down the runway. The wheels touch and you see the thrust-reversers kick in. Its as though the pilots either severely misjudged the length of the airfield, or they thought they were already on the ground when they weren’t. Should have done a go-around.


I was part of JTF-CS years ago as part of my reserve unit, first as part of CCMRF (pronounced sea-smurf) then later as part of a follow-on effort. It’s a multi-layer response package. In the event of a CBRN incident local first responders would handle the initial response. If required follow-on forces are activated, first from state civil-support teams (national guard) and later with response packages as required from the national guard and/or reserves.

Military CBRN response is part of Task Force Ops and are fall under the jurisdiction of the Incident Commander who generally is not a military member.

There is FEMA training available (ICS-101) that explains all of this pretty well.


By domestic terrorists? >1.

Especially here in SoCal. The LAPD, courtesy of Daryl Gates, was one of the first (if not the first) police departments to be transformed effectively into an army… one specifically created to target POC.


Angry About Time GIF by Amazon Prime Video


Not a woman, but I’ll butt in anyway because you know why.

I used to carry a briefcase or a camera bag that had a shoulder strap by looping the strap over the passenger headrest and hanging the bag down the back of the seat. I don’t know if this idea is viable with more modern headrests that are integrated with the seat rather than mounted on two steel rods, but it should be possible to come up with a similar arrangement.


With “bipping” (windows) and road rage being a thing now, I don’t think the pass-through is enough. There should be space under the seats (or somewhere more practical) for moveable cargo like purses or camera bags to not only hide stuff from view, but also to keep hard things or things with hard things inside them from flying around in the event of a car accident. Maybe even a more secure box to slow or prevent bippers from stealing your stuff.

ETA: And I’m generally thinking of handbag type stuff that doesn’t necessarily belong in the trunk.


Not a kit, but a scratch-built 1/3 scale Nieuport 24 with an appropriately sized RADIAL ENGINE… and it sounds the part even in that scale. The plane was built by a 91-year-old Texan and “…the [control] surfaces all move with cables and torque rods [like on the actual aircraft]. There are no servos in the tail or wings, and no RC pushrods.”

Check out the pilot at 4:11 with his scarf flapping in the breeze.

Link above.


Saw this bad boy at Audrain Concours in Newport (RI) and thought I’d share…




Innards shown here:




at-at walker GIF by Star Wars