MSNBC: "Trump is fixated on sham GOP audit in Arizona" and expects to be reinstalled as President this summer

It sure does!


Such a sober analysis betrays your troubling bias against Trump and all that he stands for.

“The month of August, for this, is subjective,” he said in an interview. “It is my hope that Donald Trump is reinstated, after all the proof comes out, by the end of August, but I don’t know if it’ll be that month, specifically. I started saying August…about four weeks ago. That was my estimation. I spoke about it with my lawyers who said that they should have something ready for us to bring before the U.S. Supreme Court by July. So, in my mind, I hope that means that we could have Donald Trump back in the White House by August. That’s how I landed on August, and I’m hopeful that that is correct.”

Lindell’s theory that Trump will be returned to office centers on the pillow magnate’s claims that, together with a team of lawyers and well-intentioned “white hat” hackers, he has amassed incontrovertible proof of election fraud to present to the Supreme Court. Once that evidence is unveiled, in Lindell’s telling, the stunned justices will rule 9-0 to return Trump to the presidency.

The idea that the election could be overturned with proof of election fraud has become a central idea in the Trump grassroots. Election-fraud theorists have become fixated on the phrase “fraud vitiates everything,” claiming that they just need a shred of proof of election fraud to overturn the entire election. Arizona’s shambolic GOP-backed audit has become so important to Republicans in part because of a “domino theory” that holds that, if Arizona’s ballots could be proven to be fraudulent, then elections in other battleground states that backed Biden would also be overturned.


Not quite true.

He was denied ownership of an NFL team.


All these “day of reckoning/day of judgement” deadlines are just more evidence that he leads a death cult. Eventually this bunch is going to start breaking out the Flavor Aid, the fancy sneakers, and the track suits.


Despite being caught on video at the insurrection, he’s talking about running for higher office next year:


Yeah… nope.

$500 from the other side of the deeply split family isn’t much of anything. (The split was over money, so the other side aren’t automatically nice people.)

I don’t think Charles Koch wants Trump back. He wants a Trump successor who’s pliable and will follow direction.

eta: Yo! Ted!


But people should an auto-nice feature!


maybe nothing


I’m beginning to think that the absolutely-bullshit “literacy tests” previously used during Jim Crow to disenfranchise predominantly voters of colour might be dusted off and re-worked as “media literacy tests” to keep any idiot who even remotely thinks any of this nonsense is true away from an actual ballot box.


There’s absolutely nothing special about August.

The problem the Q movement has is that if it were true then certain events would need to happen eventually. They have a specific set of enemies, and if nothing happens then the enemies have triumphed.

Sure, other millenarianist movements have gotten away with ignoring their own deadlines, but they’ve also had to refocus what they were about. The Q movement has done this to a certain extent, but their audience is hungry for the death of their enemies in a way that most millenarianist movements have not so it’s much more difficult.

So they can’t stop themselves from setting dates even though nothing ever happens.



You don’t fix fascism with more fascism.


You know what would work way better and be impossible to abuse the same way? Mandatory voting like Australia has. Larger turn-outs tend to go with conservatives like these losing.

Somehow discourse in America always focuses around “who should we disenfranchise” instead of “how do we get people more involved in democracy” but that’s playing the enemy’s game.


Absolutely true, and I agree completely.

Doesn’t stop me from seeing the attraction, though.


And even if there was, they still wouldn’t be getting 45 reinstated, they would be welcoming in President Gore. After all, he has a prior claim and a better case.


I’ve long been a fan of mandatory voting. As long as there’s a “I showed up, but don’t like any of these turkeys” option (I suppose one can always spoil one’s ballot, in any case), there’s no issue.

I understand that in Australia not only is water not illegal for people waiting in lines, but there are barbies set up for “democracy sausages”!


Inaugural, inaugural, I love you inaugural,
It’s always two weeks away!



We all vote fairly and freely or we don’t live in a free, democratic society.

It’s not a joke.


No they want to “kill all the commies”.

And by commies they also mean liberals.

They don’t know or care there’s a difference.

Australia has a much more sane voting system than that used in the US with a preferential voting process. Mandatory voting with first-past-the-post in which many, if not actually most, votes don’t count is even worse than the current US/UK system.

The lovely people at Juice Media explain how the Australian system works:


As long as you get rid of the requirement to rank every candidate. Having to decide whether you like the Australian Nazi party or the Nazi party of Australia less doesn’t benefit anyone.