Mueller 'fully prepared' and 'going to be ready Wednesday'

The House is waiting for Mueller to take on all the responsibility for failure. Cleary the mainstream career politicians are waiting for the right moment when they can blame someone else if a failed impeachment hurts them in the next election.

We kind of need more than two influential parties. If there were several parties and three or four of them had to work together just to get a simple majority, we’d see a very different calculus in the leadership and senior members of Congress.

The only thing we can do is vote Donald A+ out and even that’s rigged in his favor. Mueller has no intention of doing anything that endangers the status quo that he is part of.mindful

well, that’s what the white house insists upon. Will Mueller act like a goiod little creation of the executive? Time will tell.


Mueller doesn’t have the power to do anything that endangers the status quo. It’s not like he could order congress to step up and start impeachment proceedings even if he wanted to.


If you were hoping for “Trump is absolutely guilty and should be impeached”, then yeah, I can see how you’d be disappointed.

But in terms of giving Congress ammunition to do the things that Mueller didn’t think he could do, I think it’s perfectly sufficient. But Congress is still too gun-shy, so they want to keep pushing him to make the call for them.


Mueller’s position is basically “It is not my job to say if he is guilty or not, I simply provide evidence. It is Congress’s job to determine guilt or innocence.”

A. G. Barr reads it and immediately summarizes the report as “Mueller says Trump is not guilty! Case closed!”


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