Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/05/29/robert-mueller-speaks.html
From a balcony? Skype from some offshore location? Do tell Reuters.
prepare not to be blown away.
Was his statement approved by DoJ ahead of time? If so, it’s complete BS.
Barr knows what Mueller is going to say
“Attorney General William Barr was not only given a heads up these 11 a.m. ET remarks were happening, but the attorney general was briefed on the contents of the statement, too.” -CNN
Prepare to be underwhelmed.
“there’s definitely some amount of evidence of varying strength that we can’t rule out trump didn’t not un-dis-collude with a foreign power of known status with regard to hostility. In no uncertain terms.”
The few times he’s chosen to make public statements about the investigation have been to quell rumor and misinformation, not to drop explosive new revelations. I doubt this will be any different.
Hopefully he fixes the f**king damage he did by allowing that partisan shill Barr to hide information that benefits Trump. Also allowing Barr to steer the narrative.
Yep - it’ll be nothing. If he was making a statement after leaving - maybe it would be news. He owes the people who paid for the investigation more than this.
I expect to learn that he saved a bundle of money by switching to Geico.
Yep, Bullshit.
Whatever helps you sleep at night Robert.
Mueller has always been a conservative (in the classic sense) by-the-book lawman, not an insurgent or an activist. It was pretty much a given that he wasn’t going to go over his superiors’ heads unless he believed he had a clear legal duty to do otherwise. That’s just who he is.
If anyone has a responsibility to reclaim the narrative and take corrective action against the administration it’s congress.
Will he dance and play the fiddle, as well ?
What you’re saying here is ridiculous. I can’t imagine if they hid the reality of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Attack of Pearl Harbor, or anything else in our history from the general public. Our nation was attacked and Mueller can’t be bothered to speak for more than 10 minutes with limited scope. What utter bull****. It’d be as if FDR or Kennedy conspired with Emperor Hirohito or Mikhail Gorbachev. Does no one in our government have a spine? leak the f’n unredacted report.
We are 20 past the start time, and it hasn’t started.
Technical difficulties? Or is he on a plane to Venezuela?
He literally spoke for about 10 minutes and walked away.
What, specifically, has been hid? We know what went on for the most part. Now it is up to Congress to do something about it or not.
And they did hide the reality of the Cuban Missile crisis for years.
He spoke for over 400 pages.