Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/24/musical-composers-pen.html
There’s a blackboard version that’s much less bizarre and beautiful. When I was studying music /some/ of the blackboards had staff lines etched right onto the board.
For all the rest, there was a chunk of wood with five springs with chalk stuck in them that would let you draw a staff across the blackboard in one swipe.
I remember those. In my school we always had yellow chalk because Jimmy was allergic to the white stuff. Didn’t make sense then either.
No mention of the chalk versions for blackboards? It’s a big wooden arch that holds five pieces of chalk, basically. We had one in our music room in elementary school (schools used to teach music- crazy). It was also featured in The Simpsons where Nelson shows Lisa how to cheat at writing lines on the board with it for detention.
Anyone know if there is a modern equivalent for whiteboard markers? I feel there must be.
EDIT: too slow! Azure got in before me.
whoops, good thing I scrolled down before posting the youtube clip for that scene
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