Musk agrees to give stock to X employees but only if they explain why they deserve it

Bump stocks?


Did someone let Karl Marx back in the building?



Unlike most things that Musk has a direct hand in, this doesn’t sound worse than a typical organization. I mean the BS involved in goal setting and performance appraisal are arguably pretty bad just about everywhere.

The bit about promotions all being delayed without explanation to make way for this and everyone waiting months for their annual equity refresher is worse than anywhere I’ve seen. :man_shrugging:


So I’m guessing that you have never worked at a company that was circling the drain, trying trying desperately to avoid bankruptcy. Because that part sounds like it is one step ahead of paycheck races.

I actually have, and when they didn’t have the money to give out they explained as much to everyone. But I will admit it was a smaller company, so the people involved probably still had souls.


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