Musk’s “roughly break-even” Twitter still not paying bills

Fixed that for you

Did you just recite “The Art of The Deal”?


I think he already did.


it does depend on the desired destination. huge wealth disparity, militias to guard your gated community, private schools for the kids, private doctors and hospitals… and nothing for everyone else? bigotry and fascism can be great for that.


Indeed. Some people’s definition of civilisation is very much far too self-centered - which itself is almost the opposite of civilised.


This is the whole point of longtermism. You invent a hypothetical future population of people made in your image, whose existence depends on whatever you happen to want. And they get to outweigh everyone who actually exists by a thousand, a million, a billion – it’s your imagination, so you know, go nuts!

(No, people from other hypothetical futures don’t count. Why would they? Pascal’s wager was never about considering any god other than the one you wanted, and for Elon Musk that’s Elon Musk.)


I worked for a small company that tried this. More collections calls that customer calls, so we all knew what was coming. The owner tried to play 3 card monty with creditors for months before he was just begging someone, anyone to take it off his hands.


Yeah, until those same guards decide to literally rob and kill you because there is no one else left.
Mercenary has no principles or ideal. See Putin and Russia’s Wagner Group.


Hey, mercenaries have principles! They’re just not the ones you would prefer them to have.

Shlock Mercenary objectives


“Twitter is on a mission to become the world’s most accurate real-time information source and a global town square for communication,” she wrote in the memo. “We’re on the precipice of making history—and that’s not an empty promise.”

I think we can all agree that Musk’s Twitter is on the precipice.


No, it’s accurate.

“Quickest loss of $44B”

Course that means yours is too.

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I freelanced for a few years, and even dealing with a single contractor as a vendor, it was amazing how companies would just not pay me. They all expected at least Net 30 terms, most assumed Net 60 or even Net 90. Then they wouldn’t actually pay until you threaten them with withholding work product or legal action. All over sums that were a drop in their budget bucket. It was just basic business practice to jerk vendors around for as long as possible. It was as though simply paying me as agreed never even occurred to them.

I’m very glad to be out of that world.


Yeah, I finally accepted an offer in December that got me out of gig work permanently, I hope. Fortunately, it was for a client with whom I have had an excellent relationship for 6 years and am proud to partner with. I kind of biased the results by rejecting most potential clients because of “principles” (:roll_eyes:), so my clientele was mostly really great about paying on time and accepting my industry-high fees (which I set extra high to to avoid issues), but damn, does it get old when the rent is due and I have to remind someone they’re in arrears.


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