Musk told Trump that Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings "not as scary as people think." Trump: "That's great."

It sounds in keeping with Musk’s “longtermist” stuff; where anything can be excused by the idea that there will be more people in the future; because reasons.

What is never entirely explained is either how throwing more people at the problem renders the bad outcomes suffered by the last batch less relevant or(if we concede that it somehow does) why that doesn’t open the door to indefinite justification of arbitrarily large numbers of arbitrarily bad outcomes; since there’s no particularly firm limit on how many future people you can postulate.


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All organic matter would be totally burned out, leaving nothing but mineral matter.


it most certainly was;

Well, I mean, if so, so I mean, I mean, I think it’d be great to just have a government efficiency commission that takes a look at these things and and just ensures that the taxpayer money, the taxpayers hard earned money is spent in a good way. And I’d be happy to help out on such a commission.

I bet you would, elon, cause taxpayer money is right up your alley, right?


I wonder whether Musk is trying to be so casual about nukes with Trump in the hopes that the orange idiot will sell him a few shold he win the election. Usually the movie villian has to steal a nuke, but I guess musk has enough wealth that he hopes to just buy one instead.


Perhaps Musk thinks that, after revolutionising automotive engineering, rocket engineering, software engineering and tunneling, he can revolutionise nuclear bombs as well. /s


Ye gods, “Elon with nukes” is not only missing from my 2024 bingo card, it’s missing from my 21st Century bingo card. And since he’s all about his own ego, the idea of him wanting to possess his own personal nukes is plausible.

I don’t think I’ve said this today yet, it’s 0722 local time: I hate this timeline.


Well you know those swivel eyed fundamentalist far right types: there can be no efficiency unless someone is getting very, very rich so he and the stupid branded goods family will swap control of the nukes as their fortunes wax and wane. Efficiency!


Ah, but the secret is to be so wealthy that you don’t have to pay for anything, or at least be able to pretend to be that wealthy.


Season 4 Reaction GIF by The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

That’s a plausible idea that I now can’t get out of my head…


that would be the B83 with 1.2 Mt, but I think showing them the following graphic wouldnt do much as we know drumpf cant even understand a hurricane warning cone diagram and elnos understanding of scale is flawed at best and contradictory at worst;


EXACTLY! And COVID wasn’t really anything at all, because see how many people are in this shopping mall?


I think Musk has had a pass this whole time because he looks and speaks like a nice, sensible regular guy. Once you parse what he says and understand how stupid, impulsive, undisciplined and broken his brain is, you realize how dangerous he is. Having that out in the open is definitely better than the alternative.


Can the US military give Trump and Musk a tour of a target range (complete with buildings built as a target) then give them a front-row seat (as close as is safe) to a test of the GBU-43/B MOAB (yield of 11 tons of TNT)? Then let them tour the devastation after the MOAB demolishes the target.

After the devastation sinks in, point out that Little Boy (the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 15 kilotons yield) had over 1000 times the yield of the MOAB and that the largest test performed by the US had a yield of 15 megatons, 1000 times that of Little Boy. It might take a lot to get it through their thick skulls that those weapons should scare anybody shitless, but that just might do it.

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I just noticed the typo and fixed it in my original post, “it” should be “is” in that parenthetical.

Why am I not suggesting Musk and Trump stand closer than is safe to a massive explosion? Several reasons.

First, and most obvious, is that wishing people to die generally is not cool. This is especially true when one is a political candidate under the protection of the Secret Service: I have no desire to be interviewed by them.

Second, if they’re close enough to the blast to be injured and possibly die, they can’t be interviewed about their experience and how it made them feel. Since we’re talking about explosions, consider the Mythbusters.

I’ve seen interviews where Adam Savage talked about the cement truck explosion or where Kari Byron and Tory Belleci talked about the creamer cannon (not technically an explosion, more a fireball, but still impressive and scary as hell.) Seeing the expressions on their faces as they share how terrified they were made me feel the explosions were more real in some sense.

Do I think Musk or Trump would admit to being scared? Not in words. But watching a video of them reacting to the explosion should show their followers that “Holy shit, this is real!” and “Maybe dropping a bomb between a thousand and a million times more powerful than that really isn’t a good idea.” even if Musk and Trump verbally say “Nah, no big deal.”


they would just lie about it. we all know that.

I rather think they would express how badass they both were, regardless their reaction.

the main reason “we” would place them in a safe distance is because we are not like them, not because its “not cool”, right?

anyways, youre right, I deleted this specific post of mine.

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“Gettysburg— wow!”

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Not from everyone… :woman_shrugging: Some people have been pointing out his shitty behavior for a while now, but his fanbois drowned out those voices. And the tech media has refused to cover silicon valley seriously, acting as boosters instead.