Musk told Trump that Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings "not as scary as people think." Trump: "That's great."

He pivoted into energy security:


I was happier when pompous, arrogant, isolated, rich assholes stayed sight unseen in their country clubs and smoky back rooms. At least then you didn’t have to hear them open up their pieholes and spout a bunch of uninformed bullshit.


And it’s far easier for them to get away with outright manipulation of society and have cover to do so by pointing out how quiet they are… When they are out in public, at the very least we can push back against their bullshit and have a chance at defanging them. Which finally seems to be exactly what is happening here. The mainstream media finally seems willing to call out a naked emperor and that’s a GOOD thing. If they had found more quiet candidate who they can pretend is normal, and be supported by billionaires who haven’t fucked up a major social media platform with his moronic BS, then they might have a better chance of winning…


But that‘s not what it says. It says the 4 million posts about the “conversation“ plus Trump‘s space post have a total of almost billion views.

Which makes an average of 250 views per post. Which is entirely plausible.


The relevant chapters in Richard Rhodes’s masterpiece ‘The Making of the Atomic Bomb’ are some of the most horrifying material I have ever read. And I’m absolutely sure it can’t convey the tiniest fragment of the horror those people experienced - and the people of Tokyo and Dresden and Hamburg before them.

To say ‘it’s not as scary as people think’ shows the deepest levels of ignorance and lack of compassion. These two grotesques deserve one another.


It’s not just that - it’s that in any strike by a military power, it won’t be one warhead going off in one city, it will be multiple explosions, each incomprehensibly destructive. Even if it doesn’t trigger retaliation, we’re talking about an entire country being overwhelmed by casualties and its economy reduced to ruin.

If there’s an escalation - well, anyone else read ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’ by Annie Jacobsen? Not to give too much of a spoiler - it doesn’t have a happy ending.


100% agreed. The whole book is well worth anyone’s time but it’s all a prelude to the descriptions of the horror inflicted on those poor people and the level of profound ignorance (yet again) from Muskrat is par for the course.


I might have rewrote “convince them not to vote at all” to “whether to vote at all,” but anyway:


And what does “great” translate to, in this analogy? :wink:



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"Someone killed my neighbors but now there are people living in the house again. So murder’s not as scary as people think, basically.”


Musk would probably watch Grave of the Fireflies and think its some quaint fantasy us poors worry about.


Which might make it not really report-worthy at all. What is the gilded turd complaining about, again?

This is not surprise from the dumbfuck floating the idea of nuking Mars atmosphere for colonization or treating negative environmental impact from his rocket company as cost of doing business. This guy is basically felon #1’s spiritual successor as snake-oil saleman.


So kind of like this times a billion.

Don is glitching badly.


If they wish for it, they better have security on their air vent. Otherwise:

As part of the Vault Experiment, psychoactive drugs were released into the Vault 106 air filtration system 10 days after the door was sealed. Information in the Vault’s computer terminals reveals that the overseer was aware of the experiment, ordering personnel to lie to residents about it if they asked any questions, though he insisted the tests would be brief and nonlethal. The psychoactive drugs began causing many residents to grow disoriented, delirious, and eventually violent; the overseer ordered a lockdown, but eventually the Vault’s security personnel were overrun.

In that it was an example of the thing it was decrying?

The thing is, this isn’t new some new phenomenon of decline - we’ve always had wealthy industrialists (who inherited money) and leaders (especially in the days of ubiquitous monarchies) who were absolutely idiots - it’s just that only now do they have so, so many opportunities to publicly demonstrate it.

The real competency required is self-aggrandizing and shameless grifting.


They’re incapable of internalizing the misery of others. Dead inside.