Elections 2023 and 2024

I mean, how many people could there possibly be who (after all this time) are actually on-the-fence about someone as polarizing as D. Trump? All that money, time & effort to sway what is, granted, a nonzero amount of voters, but I’m convinced they aren’t a sufficient number to sway anything.

I have to keep reminding myself (& I’ve said it before) that the real purpose of political advertising/campaigning is to persuade as many people as possible not to vote at all, which leaves only the true believers to vote, and which most certainly could sway an election.

They can point out any number of verifiable horrible & true things about Trump, but I don’t believe it will change a meaningful number of minds about how they already feel - after all this time - about a loud-mouthed, bullying, bigoted gameshow host who plays a blond billionaire on the TV.

I’m not sure I had (or remember) my point, here - I’m not sure this is a distinction with a difference, in the sense that on Nov. 6 we’ll either wake up very happy or very upset. Anyway - I don’t think the issue is whether a couple of 100 voters throughout the country have yet to make up their minds about voting for Trump, but whether millions have made up their mind whether to vote at all.