Originally published at: Free speech absolutist kills responsible advertising group - Boing Boing
This would be the very same responsible advertising group that Twitter/X was bragging about being a member of just weeks ago.
Musk is turning it the poster child of why it’s vital for healthy democracies to levy very high upper-end progressive taxes (like was done in the U.S. in the mid 20th century until the Regan Revolution f*cked things up). It keeps any one person from getting too much power and silencing others.
I really hope that Harris wins the 2024 election so that she can champion Elizabeth Warren’s “Ultra-millionaire” tax policy.
But Musk is the one person who believes in true and absolute free speech /s
In a twisted way: “Free speech for me (and my friends/toadies/sycophants), but not for thee.”
IANAL but does this count as a SLAPP?
Disgusting. I’ll bet he got a congratulatory call from his fellow fascist billionaire Thiel.
There is no federal anti-SLAPP statute, unfortunately.
It’s cheaper for them to re-form next week as the Alliance of Responsible Global Media than fight the suit. Let Musk play an expensive game of Whack-a-Mole with dozens of disposable NGOs while advertisers flee.
I’m sure that will convince advertisers to buy Bigly from Elmer.
But but would anyone thinks of those “temporarily embarrassed (bi/mi)llionaires” ? /S
Joke aside, this makes me to instantly recall Thiel and Gawker. These rich assholes and their grievance.
I get more and more the impression that GARM was purely an alibi-organisation to begin with; “see, were doing something…”
Things that make you go hm:
They don’t look that small to me.
Anyways, let’s wait and see if suing Mars works any better than colonizing Mars.
Wasn’t participation voluntary and nonbinding? I suspect a stronger organization may exist in the future.
Unsure if that is a good thing or bad thing though.
Come to my lemonade stand or else I’ll shoot you in the kneecap!
I expect it’s the difference between the actual organization/staff, and people who sign up for their service. Much like Boing Boing is a small blog-bbs-thing even-though there are hundreds (??) of members who participate.
From another article: “The WFA was founded in 1953 and is headquartered in Belgium. The WFA started the GARM initiative in 2019. GARM has two full-time staff members, Business Insider wrote.”
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