Mutant horticulture

The curry leaf plant is finally taking off! Ginger to the left, tumeric above and sad mint all around.


This weird amorphophallus is about to unfurl its single, tri-lobed leaf.



One giant leaf


If you’ve ever wondered what Hell is like, put up one of those outdoor water-based fly traps.

I don’t want to describe it, but if you know, you know.


The ones you fill up and hang? They are really effective but you need a strong string or wire, can’t let them get rained on too much or they overflow, and gotta plan for double bagging disposal.

Otherwise, yeah.

Welcome To Hell Swerk GIF


My parents used to campground host, and would put up one of these water-bag fly traps near their campsite. In just a few days it smelled like death’s vomit. For some reason they didn’t seem to mind.



We’ve had a reprieve from the extreme heat of last week, when many of the plants and flowers took a real beating, but some of them seem to thrive in it.


Purple coneflowers, Hydrangea, and Buddelia


I’m growin’ some baby trees that I hope will one day become bonsais…

On the left, from top to bottom Rosewood and flame tree, and on the left, a blue spruce and I forget the other, but some kind of pine-type tree…


A delightful little surprise today: my little potted camellia has its first blossom!

It’s the wrong time of year for camellias to bloom here; the a/c must have fooled it.
I took a half dozen cuttings in the spring of 2020 from a huge mother plant that was on a lot about to be cleared of an unsalvageable house and likely to be collateral damage. This is the only one that made it.


Horticulture or gardening or both?

My yard came with lots of patches of hardy sedums scattered around in the beds, and they are now at peak bloom. Two varieties are right next to each other, one with pink blooms and very little fragrance (“Autumn Joy” maybe) and one with white a mild but borderline sickly sweet fragrance. The bumble bees and a small cloud of some sort of tiny flies are all over the one with white blooms, but there isn’t a single pollinator on the pink one.


No bees

Assuming hybridizing for the color in the pink one bred the fragrance and possibly even nectar out of it. That’s my yard observation for the day.


↓ Lilacs. Last year we had drought conditions here in East-Central MN. This year we got so much rain that it made up for the drought and then some. Everyone’s lilacs got some kind of blight caused by too much water. The good news is that they say it doesn’t cause permanent damage to the bushes. The weird news is that the bushes all put out new growth, and now they’re blooming again, in mid-September!

↓ Oh, you squirrels! That yard-waste bag was less than half-full of weeds. I was planning to add more before putting it out on the curb for the City collection!


not exactly horticulture, but a sudden need to do emergency yardwork:

ok, so after two tropical storms passed us by in the last 4 weeks, or so, today is jus a lightly breezy, but gusty day.
this big-ass tree branch came down on the roof of our workshop!

spent the first half of the day cutting and clearing this mess for the greenwaste pick up tomorrow.
luckily, no damage to the metal roof - not even a dent! different story if it had come down in 60+ mph winds.
probably broke loose in one of the earlier storms and just today came on down.
what a mess. not even my tree! squarely on the other side of the back fence. i worry about other branches that hang over our shop.


Huge, old tree.