Have they tried Google Assistant?
hey now, you can’t expect the air to pollute itself. we need gas powered leaf blowers
A lovely word: ‘hummadruz’ - a 19th Century creation for a quiet humming noise heard during still weather.
It’s Brexit or Brexit-related. According to my sources.
It’s more than just a noise you hear though, usually it’s accompanied by weirdness like lost time, or sudden inexplicable fear. It’s the sort of thing that is/was associated with fairies/elves/goblins/local spirits.
Basically, if you’re walking in the countryside, and you hear a strange buzzing (and you’re not next to a powerline), turn around and walk the other way. Unless you want to end up in fairyland.
Or maybe it’s just sunstroke.
Their analogy seems off.
A high-pitch (or high-frequency) sound would be like dropping a stone into the tub, you get little ripples. A low-pitch (or low-frequency) sound would be like dropping a bowling bowl into the tub, you get a big wave. The small ripples get stopped by the edge of the tub. The bigger wave— that could slosh right over.
This sounds like ( ) amplitude, not frequency.
Link to the map: The World Hum Map
Could be the local town’s forgotten deity waking up. Their Omagh God.
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