Originally published at: NASCAR has its own Pride merchandise: 'YAAASCAR' | Boing Boing
There will never be a boycott of NASCAR. Too many of the target audience have absolutely built their lives around it. It would be funny if they tried, though.
This seems to take a little more chutzpah than the average corporate inclusion hollow gesture. I hope they stand by it while the rabble starts to rouse.
If you’d told me 10 years ago that Nascar would be a frontrunner in rustling the jimmies of their base, I’d have said you were crazy.
It’ll be interesting to see how they fare now, in the Year of Take Backsies™.
Hopefully, we’ll have a bunch MEGAs and rednecks have their brains freeze up. The dichotomy of love of NASCAR and NASCAR celebrating pride should cause overload.
“I just don’t know, fellas. First they took our Bud Light, then our Chik-Fil-A and now NASCAR. I hope y’all are big fans of Ted Nugent and Chachi because that’s all we’re fixin’ to be left with.”
I mean okay, I know this is just cheap corporate pandering, but…. Um…. I love it very much. Yaaascar? Give whichever marketing intern came up with that a raise.
They will try. There are always at least a few prominent religious killjoys willing to risk trying to make other Xtianists choose between their two objects of worship. Popcorn time!
I keep looking for the breaking point. The “I am done, this is too much.” Haven’t found it yet, but I keep hoping. For some there will not be one, I am sure, but for a lot there just has to be.
I think the extra-delightful part is that I’d be willing to bet some rednecks are going to have no idea that “Yaaas” is a “gay” thing and buy the shirts. And then have to performatively burn and/or shoot them while wearing hairshirts to cleanse themselves.
We’ll rarely see it, because most of them can always avail themselves of a tried and true workaround known as “being a sneaky hypocrite”. After that, it becomes a question of creativity and a risk-reward calculation so that they don’t violate the primary commandment of all fundamentalist religions: Thou Shalt Not Get Caught.
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