Nazi blog style guide

Perhaps some of the time, but:


Yeah? I’ve spent a bunch of time in the Amazon jungle in Peru. That sure as hell didn’t make me any more weird than I already was. Why is jungle time important in defining this asshole. Damn shame he didn’t meet up with the Jivaro Tribe… They’re renowned for their skills with shrunken heads.


I didn’t say his jungle experience made him any more or less weird. Though if you read the article linked above one might glean some insights about him and why he journeyed to the jungle.

I mention the jungle because I think the stereotype of a person who is at the fore front of the American Neo Nazi movement and one of the premier white nationalists trolls is one of an uneducated red neck who has barely left the back woods of the deep south, has a very limited world view and world experience, and had a life time of racial hatred building up in him from the time he was born. Like a Dylan Roof type. That isn’t the case with this guy and I think that is partly what makes him dangerous.


They do?


Damn shame he didn’t meet up with the Jivaro Tribe…

Oh. And I would have thought he did receive a Jivaro treatment.
It would explain so much.

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It’s definitely similar! I think there is a difference though, if I understand correctly, with a dog whistle the intention is to hide the subtext from the majority of the people that are not racist while winking at the ones that are.

In the examples I mentioned there is no intention to hide the subtext, the subtext is needed to fully understand the comments in the first place.

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Regrettably, all of this bullshit works.

Milo is currently spreading his poison to Australia, and I’ve spent the last several weeks listening to my work colleagues do a note-perfect rehash of the American discussion of a year ago. “He doesn’t really mean it”, “he’s just doing it for attention”, “he’s just trolling”, etc. etc.

There is no such thing as a “just for fun” Nazi.


Don’t yuck someone else’s yum. Unless it’s racism. Then definitely do that.


Extreme vetting should prevent him from re-entering the US.


Would it be reasonable to describe a Nazi style guide as the ‘Elements of Style by Junk & White’?


The “just for fun” is not much different than the schoolyard bullies whose taunts are “just for fun”. You know that given the chance, they will attack with physical violence (but are just cunning enough to know that they would get in trouble if they did).


Pitch a good article and they might pay you more that $14.88


Nazi Style Guide

  1. Brown Shirt
  2. Tiki Torch
  3. Steel Toed Boots
  4. Backpfeifengesicht Smirk

Nazis always like to make their assholery sound like science.


I’d buy him another ticket, I happen to have a buddy down there who is a member of the Jivaro nation and an artist (Sculpture I hasten to add) He could do something purty for this numb skull


Nothing anyone does, experiences, or learns excuses their becoming a nazi. Enough with the “We have to understand their ways” bullshit.

Very true. They often post on here talking in very pretty words about how confederate monuments are protected free speech, and that free speech of nazis should be sacrosanct. There are two sides. One is humanity. The other is those who denigrate and refuse humanity to many people. To defend the latter is to be the latter.

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No one said it excused anything.

You’re wrong. If you want to understand and fix a problem, the only hope one has of doing so is to understand it’s source. Racism, crime, fundamental terrorists, Bronies - it doesn’t matter. You aren’t going to round up and kill all the people doing these things, so you’re going to have to figure out the causes and try to apply solutions to affect these causes.

In this case, dismissing him as just an ignorant bigot is not fully acknowledging his abilities and knowledge. The fact that his tentacles have managed to branch out so far in such a short span of time shows this. The information in the article highlights possible reasons WHY he does what he does. It is with this combined knowledge one can hope to out maneuver him in the future.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


He was in an engineer unit defusing landmines. As if I didn’t have enough things to admire him for.

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So it turns out that ironic racists are really just racists. Who. Could. Have. Known?


Unfortunately, the fellows in his unit did NOT share your admiration.