Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/16/nba-player-deliberately-misses-free-throw-to-win-opposing-fans-free-chicken-sandwiches.html
I wouldn’t say it was ethical but it would consider it sportsman-like.
Everyone loves Boban (both fans and players). The missing of the free throw to help fans of the opposing team get free food is straight out of his playbook. This is why Clipper fans won’t ever boo him even though he no longer plays for them.
Sort of like the Black Sox, but with greasy, fast food fingers as the outcome.
The announcer excitedly yelling about who was going to get chicken, and who was giving chicken, was my favorite part of that video.
Mr Marjanovic has got a wonderful face.
That’s beautiful.
Although I also expect whoever has to give out the chicken would gripe about it and claim that deliberately missing voids the promotion.
If the utilitarians have a sportsmanship award this guy has it locked down for probably the next decade.
Given that Chik-fil-A is the sponsor and he just cost those bigots a bunch of money, I’d say he comes out way ahead!
Truly a baller move.
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