Personally I was hoping for a brass section.
And most animals very rarely show that much white in their eyes. Cats’ irises are way way bigger.
Is that what those are?
…Why did you know that?
Looks like they preempted a performance from America’s Got Talent (?) by a Japanese duo named Yumbo Dump.
The act was eliminated.
Jesus, talk about timing.
This is like something out of a satire.
If that doesn’t bring back stage trapdoors, then nothing will.
'MURICA! Hell Yeah!
Came for the Dolphins, leaving satisfied, deeply.
It’s what he would have wanted.
McCain didn’t die, he was escaping our existence.
This situation is a beautiful example of what Neil Postman analyzed thirty years ago in his book Amusing Ourselves to Death. Postman observed that by their very nature electronic media (then it was TV, which became Cable, which became Satellite, which became Internet) present information as an endless stream of decontextualized pieces…a story about a bombing in Yemen is followed by a feel-good piece about dogs, then an automobile commercial, then coverage of a fatal road accident, then the latest plug for a Disney property, on and on, with each snippet given exactly the same importance as the next. He called it the “And now this…” effect, after the phrase news anchors once used to separate their newscast from commercials.
The closest I could find
He lit up our lives.
Gold, Jerry, gold.