Neighbor insulted during dispute

The man is an almost exact depiction of my 23 year old brother, just a little older.


It is true that American Stupid is the stupid by which other stupid must be judged. Just like how American smarts, hard work, our superior good looks & physiques are also the global gold standard.

WE are a light house & Celestial Motivator unto the rest of the world. Many, many, countries even covet our trash & our discards - as just one of many examples. There are Disney Lands in Europe & Asia for crying out loud.

Please recall that We perfected gravity & science. Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Charles Parker, Charles Darwin, Zamfir, Mozart & many others of note were & are Americans. We invented vodka, electricity, wine, Pepsi, Scotch-whiskey, tatoos, TV, helicopters, telephones, airplanes, body modification, medicine. Plus, we opened the North West passage for the use & enjoyment of all northern countries - all while working to prevent the next ice age.

If it wasn’t for our negotiations & brilliant diplomacy - we all would all have been enslaved by space-aliens decades ago.

You’re Welcome rest of the world!!!


It takes a village (or neighborhood) to raise a Village Idiot.

–edit - p.s -

On the other hand. We don’t know the context of the situation (at least I don’t). It’s possible the person taking the video & her family are obnoxious, inconsiderate, bullying neighbors. The couple in the video seem pretty exasperated, at the end of their rope. Sometimes ya’ just reach the end of it & snap.

The Web is not exactly old - neither is the Internet. Troll , its current use, predates the WWW - web. IIRC, troll first appeared on USENET - and this is where I learned the term. However - the concept is as old as well, trolling. The term I used before I started just saying troll was baiting or provoking.

The couple in the video are acting like I’ve seen parents (or other custodians) of teenagers act when they reach the end of the rope & resort to expressing what they really are thinking. Best parenting practices be damned. Or those dealing with fools who are chronologically adults.

–grr, another edit - p.p.s -

Forgot to add the couple in the video appear to be really hamming it up - like consciously going over the top. They might want to do open mic if they don’t already. I’m not being snarky either.


Spoken like a true Vermonter.


Gimme a high-rise instead, any day of the week.

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Well Rob, aren’t you glad you became an American citizen now? :grinning:


I think that’s the “for fun” one.

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The stupidest thing here is going into an argument wearing a gun. I try to avoid arguments at the best of times but to argue with someone with a holstered gun…

The IQ’s we’re witnessing here are staggeringly low.


We don’t have fences in Vermont as much as we have stone walls.


I miss mine. I had probably 1500 feet of them on my property, including about 200 feet that I had built by myself.


Sheesh. Why is there always this need to make stupidity a nation-specific thing? Did you see the recent story on the Indian girls sentenced to be raped for their brother’s crimes? Did you read about a certain PM who evidently got fellatio from a dead pig? Does the name Rob Ford mean anything to you? “American” stupidity is no different or worse than any other type of stupidity–unless you add the fact that it has the unfortunate distinction of being called unique–often by smug Americans. That does give it a kind of extra special stupid quality I suppose.


You have an odd definition of luck - I would consider that a jackpot of comedy, myself!

That absolutely doesn’t count as fellatio and you know it! It’s not even sex if your partner is inanimate.


The pig was only mostly dead.


Something something something “ex-wife”. Ba dum tssh


Pining for the fjords?


Ladies & Gentlemen: This is very special, we’ve just witnessed Trump Supporters in the wild.


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It’s like that episode of Community, where Jeff and Britta get insulted by high schoolers.


Ah, so that is how one does sarcasm on the internet!


Electric Fences make good neighbours…