Originally published at: Neil Patrick Harris is the new big bad for Doctor Who | Boing Boing
…who ALSO happens to be a doctor.
ETA: I don’t know why this never occurred to me before but what if “Dr. Horrible” was actually just a grown-up Doogie Howser long embittered by a world that was no longer enamored by his childhood genius?
Hmm, color me interested. I wish it was streaming more places than HBO max.
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this is the the best thing to happen to Doctor Who since the new Doctor was announced! i am supremely pleased and excited.
Between the hair and duds he looks like a cross between First and Second, but the Celestial Toymaker is a good guess.
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I’m so up for this. But I also recognise the need to be careful about saying “squee” in the Whoniverse.
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