Neuralink monkey attack scandal: former employee alleges horrific incident and wrongful termination

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They are applying disruptive techniques on clinical tests…

And we know what is coming on


The employment contract clearly states that the only sanctioned pregnancies are the ones initiated by Elon himself. /s


Threatening a pregnant employee with “severe repercussions” for seeking medical care after being attacked by a possibly herpes-infected monkey? It doesn’t get any more on-brand Musk than that.

about the only way to make that even more musky, is if the yet to be born is half musk

Who are Elon Musk’s kids? His 11 children’s names, ages and mothers

(great minds think alike hat tip to @Brainspore)


It sounds like an office run by software developers who have never ever worked with either medical procedures or wild animals - both central ingredients of their business plan.


Techno Mechanicus

No. Really? No.

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Nicknamed Tau.


Yes. Apparently, yes.


Musk is the worst and because of him I will never buy a Tesla. However I’m pretty sure they’re not the preferred cars of incels. Steven Colbert and my elderly neighbor drive them.


Presumably they, and Simone, bought them before the Muskfall, when one could still rationalise away the signs that he was a huge asshole. Pre cave incident.

Also, the fact that non-incels buy them doesn’t negate the assertion that incels prefer them.


yep, sounds like a typical enviroment at a typical musk-company. :person_shrugging:


Elmo presents himself as a comic-level supervillain, but Neuralink is the enterprise that by far has the most potential to actually help him achieve that goal.

In my experience they’re preferred by wealthy commuters. If you drive south on 880 out of SF you’ll see thousands of them sitting in traffic. I’ve never thought “look at all these incels”. I think “look at all these dicks with a fancy cruise control who don’t need to pay for gas.”
Do incels prefer Musk? Sure. Does Stefan Molyneux drive one? I doubt it.
We’re going to have to agree to disagree because I don’t know enough incels to poll them.

Edit: The most involuntarily celebate guys I do know drive an old 4runner and a mid 2010s Lexus. Perpetually single not because they’re assholes who hate women, more because they’re just kinda weird guys. They both hate Musk. I’m also not completely convinced that this particular BB contributer isn’t AI.

Incels buy Tesla because of Musk.

Other people buy/have bought them because of before the world knowing Musk was horrible (and was so involved in the company), thinking it was the best EV for their needs for whatever reason, and because in some areas (at least the Bay Area and possibly LA) it’s the only non-HOV car allowed in the HOV lanes. Yep, even other previously allowed EVs and hybrids have been given the boot except Teslas, which I’m sure was due to some Tesla lobbyist making a sweetheart deal with local government.

The two don’t negate each other. And again… some urban planning and companies in those areas actually allowing remote work (especially tech companies that literally make remote tools) would blow the need for that sweetheart deal out of the water.

But why take the path of planning that helps everyone when you can really help a handful of already wealthy and powerful people get more wealthy and powerful at literally everyone else’s expense?

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