New 9/11 WTC collapse footage emerges after 23 years

Originally published at:


No thanks. Seeing it in person was more than enough for a lifetime.


bUt iSn’T iT gr3aT t0 l1v3 tHro4Gh H1zt0rY!!! /s

I’m glad this footage is available for future historians, but I think probably most people who were in NYC that day are probably still triggered by this… :sob:


It’s pretty impressive amateur footage on a solid for the time recorder.

The down side to it is all the 9/11 nutters will come out of the woodwork: lOoK aT tHe CoNtRoLeD eXpLoSiOnS. :confused:

As one Redditor observed: “Makes me wonder how much history is being stored in people’s attics or basements waiting to be unearthed.”

My friend helped digitize some footage found that showed part of a Yankees game with Babe Ruth making a hit. Also had NYC city footage. Pretty neat stuff.


Um, stuff is found in basements, attics, barns, etc all the time. Where has that “redditor” been for the last few millennia? tophat-rofl


Maybe hiding out with Melania? :thinking:


The only possible silver lining here is that the 9/11 truther crowd, the ones that haven’t fixed their thinking, has been mostly subsumed into the Qanon Pizzagate anti-vaxxer orbit. A sudden resurrection of 9/11 trutherism might, might, jar some of those folks into looking around them and realizing how utterly insane their way of thinking is, when they see people they agree with on their conspiracy thinking revert back to the “steel fuel can’t melt jets” memes with equal fervor and conviction. It’s a slim hope, but I gotta hold on to something.

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Big Brother Fainting GIF by Big Brother Australia

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Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Originals

The point of conspiracy theories, though, is to be immune to facts and reality, by building an alternative set of events that supposedly “explains” everything via some vast power wielding power behind the scenes. It’s a sort fo secular religion, reliant on faith and a belief in that shadowy puppetmasters, not actual reality. In the modern era, the 9/11 conspiracies is some of the roots of the current wave of conspiracies.


ugh, still after all this time, it hurts.


This headline makes me think I should buy a scanner to scan the dozens of 35mm negatives i took of the towers on 9/11 that have never been printed.


I know, I know. But the 9/11 truther stuff is old news, it’s yesterday’s conspiracy, it’s old and cringe and past it’s sell-by date. What I’m hoping is that it’s like if a bunch of moon landing conspiracists suddenly came out of the woodwork. Like if your uncle showed up at your house with his collection of 2000s-era sleeve-tattooed nu-metal CDs. Something deeply embarrassing to the whole “reality is what I can assert” movement.

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Moon landing conspiracists never went away. They might even have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years, like Flat Earth conspiracists.


The collapse looks almost gentle in long shot; but close up it must have been hell on earth. It reminds me of the firemen who spent the last of thier time climbing an endless staircase. :sob::sob::sob:


I’m not so sure about that… essentially conspiracy theories are often recycled and brought out when necessary.

I think they have been… along with flat earthers and other weirdos.

they believe that we’re the ones who should be embarrassed, believing whatever crap the “lamestream media” and “deep state” shove down our throats, though. These older theories are connected, not something in the past. Why do you think Trump let some UFO footage be declassified in 2020? There has been conspiracy theories circulating about those for years, and Trump is aware of that, and tried to tap into that.

It’s a long connected thread, is what I’m saying here.


I think the people at metabunk would much appreciate this. (I reposted the video there.)


Makes me wonder how much history is being stored in people’s attics or basements waiting to be unearthed.

For a short while I ran a business predicated on that very principle. It was based on looking for old 8mm/16mm film reels in people’s attics. There was quite a lot. Family holiday films and the like do have a lot of contemporary documentary value. Many of these film camera owners filmed much more than their loved ones.

Imagine how much more there is if you include later video cameras and then digital cameras and phones!


Was the business model to digitize it and then license the vintage footage for people who would want it for documentaries and the like? IIRC the people with the Babe Ruth and baseball footage was trying to do that.

My grandpa had a bunch of film that I think eventually got put on to VHS or DVD.


Similar, it was almost pre-digitisation, but it was transferred to video and we made our own video tape programmes out of it, for retail. Each one was hyper-local. But we did ‘save’ from oblivion a lot of footage that did end up in public archives.

(Not gonna publicise more details here in case of doxxing myself - not that anyone here is likely to be familiar the business. There’s a story behind the licensing aspect of it and it links to why I had to close my part in the business and move on.)


pop culture goes through cycles

the main standing wave is, whatever today’s middle-aged people were into when they were young is now funny and/or cringe

but eventually those middle-aged people turn into old people and what they were into becomes respectable again