I don’t get badge notifications, so it is possible to turn them off. I don’t remember what I did, but I must have done it.
@codinghorror, I just got a notification for Earned Nice Share, but it seems that something funny is going on.
Clicking on the link in that notification took me to the Cooking (not just dinner) thread, but not to any post of mine.
It looks like the links that I have posted in that thread have gotten just a few clicks, nowhere near the 25 needed for a Nice Share.
I got one earlier too. It looks like your post is on the other side of the link. (visible to the right of the post in the Cooking thread.)
Oh! Thanks for the reply, tropo. I keep zoom at 150% because I have eyesight issues, and that righthand stuff goes off the screen.
Still…no 25 clicks on any link of mine that I can see…?
The one I got is only showing 1 click on the link (unless that’s not what the counter’s for. ) I’m still a bit confused as well.
I keep up with that thread, but I’m not a ‘regular’.
Friends list:
Share means external people visited your link to arrive there at that post, not that people clicked a link in your post to go somewhere else – that is the Good Link badge you are thinking of.
I will improve the copy there.
I find said thread mostly annoying and refuse to abide by arbitrary rules set on me by some perceived gang of “regulars”
Aha! So the “something funny going on” was that I was not understanding
Thanks for explaining
@IronEdithKidd ain’t no reglar.
Aside from the laws of physics, what rules aren’t arbitrary?
Hrm. he did say “perceived” gang of “regulars” - which implies they don’t have to actually be regulars, just thought to be so.
Us irregular internal people gotta stick together.
Be cool.
I’ll be mellow when I’m dead!
Someone will be along shortly to accuse you of being part of the establishment.
I, for one, am not voting for that guy.
You understand that they take it away if you haven’t spent at least 20 hours on BB in any rolling 3-day period.