New badges?

I’m not sure I want or have any need for those abilities, and it would feel kind of tawdry to be deliberately doing stuff to pursue the ‘Regular’ tag. I’ve been more just curious how it’s working, or why the activity level I have hasn’t triggered it, without trying to do any actual calculations.

I think the concept of the ‘Regular’ badge is probably doomed by its definition in the long term, exactly to the extent that the BBS is successful. The more popular the BBS becomes, the higher the volume goes, and the harder it would become to maintain the status without cheating in some way.

I think for example of Usenet, where for quite a while in its early days, it was possible to read the entire content of all groups daily, and a few maniacs did, but by the time I got onto it, it had long since become impossible to read even a small fraction daily.


I remember once typing “Atlanta” into the search bar in YouTube and being able to watch every single video over the course of a few hours that night.[quote=“Clifton, post:101, topic:75175”]
I’m not sure I want or have any need for those abilities, and it would feel kind of tawdry to be deliberately doing stuff to pursue the ‘Regular’ tag. I’ve been more just curious how it’s working, or why the activity level I have hasn’t triggered it, without trying to do any actual calculations.

samesies. when I got Empathetic the other day, I felt vindicated as per [quote=“MarkDow, post:85, topic:75175, full:true”]
How is it that there are more mutants with the Empathetic badge than Regulars? I know about the technical requirements, but “500 liked posts and a superlative like ratio” seems like they should be shoe-ins. Poor bastards. And I don’t even have the badge.


It’s really hard to reduce community participation down to a few automated metrics. It’s almost like gauging the quality of someone’s writing by number of words used or length of the words. The good news is @codinghorror and the other fine folks at Discourse pay attention to what goes on here, and are open to feedback. At least the code evolves.


Well, I got the “Out of Love” badge and hadn’t really been hitting the Like button much, but I had used the Konami code right before that…


I have barely ever even looked at the questions thread, I have no idea how I got regular, seriously, no idea.


huh. well, I stand corrected.


Only the most recent 100 days of the Questions thread can help you toward that goal.


The questions thread has nothing to do with ‘regular’ status. I keep up with that thread, but I’m not a ‘regular’.


You could try more fiber in your diet…



I could really use with an appropriate badge for my profile.


I was wondering what happened to the old internet.


Two other new badges incoming this week, but they are bronze easy badges – for first @name mention and first use of emoji.

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Can we turn off notifications for new badges someplace?

Eternal Summer

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Well, it broke, didn’t it?


Not at the moment. Are badge notifications a problem currently?

The volume of new badge notifications appears to be increasing. I want as few automated notifications as I can get, I also hate robocalls .


Hmm, no, these are one time badges, not badges you can earn over and over. There are a handful that can be earned repeatedly but those tend to be about post quality (number of likes on a post).

The two new ones I mentioned are one time bronze badges.