New Dell laptops "smell of cat piss"

I’m not sure that 70’s vinyl contains any non-horrible chemicals. The vinyl chloride monomer is a pretty nasty customer, phthalate plasticizers leach like it’s going out of style and tend to make endocrinologists start to twitch and sweat nervously. On the plus side, there are the heavy metal heat stabilizers(Sure boss, 2-4% of a lead or cadmium compound in a consumer product with strong expectations of prolonged skin contact, sounds fine to me)!

You might check out boards built on FR-1 or FR-2 substrates (the brown ones, normally found in cheap 'n nasty hardware these days. The odor of phenolic resin being warmed by nearby components is quite distinctive, and may be what you are thinking of). It’s still around, because it’s crazy cheap; but more dimensionally stable materials are usually found where the heat is, so you don’t notice the smell as much (outside of embarrassing failures).

Dell Latitude 6430u: The “u” is for “urine”

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By all means, stop there.

Ha! You youngsters. Nothing’s better than the smell of warm Bakelite coming from vacuum tube electronics.

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It actually turns out that Apple’s post-cat naming theme is “places we like in California,” and there’s a popular North Cali surf spot called Mavericks.

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