New gig economy job: on demand dog poop scooper

Some may remember I traveled from Austin to San Diego by bicycle last winter…

It’s a long distance between some towns, so it’s happened.


This is either brilliant satire or Silicon Vally’s “Let them eat cake” moment.

“Only the lazy takers say there are no jobs! Now pick up my dog’s shit.”


This is a pretty good parody, just maybe a little too subtle. Could have played up more about the Scoopers to really get the point home. Since a major segment of the gig economy is about offloading shit jobs for shit pay, let’s give them a job for actual shit. Brilliant.

Their website has a signup to become a scooper, but says they are full up right now on their beta test program. But you can still give an email and zip code, claiming to inform you when something opens in your area. I’m wondering what the next phase of their parody is and how that could tie in.

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