New Mac-scented candle reportedly smells like a standard candle

So I was looking at a rack of vape refills today. There was a lot of mint, some cherry, some apple, some strawberry… and a whole lot of “America”. What does America smell like?


With the $300 picture book they want to sell in mind, I actually had to re-read the price to make sure it didn’t say $124. After that, $24 didn’t seem so bad.

It’s funny how anti-Mac commenters recycling inaccurate 20 year old disses reminds me of Republicans still bringing up Monica and Whitewater and Benghazi at every opportunity. You forgot about the one-button mouse though!

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Excuse me, but my comment on dongles is accurate af. Tell me that a person wouldn’t need a dongle to use headphones, or charge AND use USB at the same time, or charge and add the ability to plug in a card reader… and many more examples of having to expand ports.

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I just did a quick bit of checking, comparing the Macbook Pro to similarly specced Thinkpad P50 series (using the customize options). They’re still very overpriced in the UK.

Funny how in this day and age of enlightenment people still make assumptions. News flash - I own several macs. But you didn’t know that and now you made a stupid comment. Sad.

On a side note - that post was a joke. One you were offended by. Grow a pair.

PS - this isn’t Harvard Law Review. Lighten up a little bit - we’ve all been there.

I was thinking maybe gunpowder + crude oil, but that takes it.

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I wasn’t referring to dongles. That’s valid but also not a longstanding issue; USB-C MacBooks only came out recently.

@anon73430903 They are very expensive overseas, not sure why. In the U.S. they’re priced much closer to similarly specced competitors.

@greg_codori I wasn’t offended, I already have “a pair,” and your “joke” was lame. Grow a better sense of humor.

I’m rather biased so i know i’m being particularly critical, but the issues with not having enough ports started around the time the Macbook Air was introduced years ago and has steadily gotten worse since then.

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I’m going to say that the joke worked, as it set you off like Trump after a viewing of SNL.

Not bright enough. By several orders of magnitude.

That’s called “trolling,” not “joking.”

As far as I am aware Macs still try exceedingly hard to be closed boxes glued together you are not allowed to touch or even trouble shoot.

That’s certainly true, and increasingly so. Having made a living repairing Macs and iDevices, I’m a little blind to it sometimes. “You can’t change the battery in an iPhone!” “Sure you can, you just need a temperature-adjustable heat gun, a suction cup, this oddball screwdriver, some polymide tape…”

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Having specialist tools would make the job simpler, yes.

Anyway re the candle? I prefer old book scented.

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