New Marist poll shows that RFK Jr. candidacy is actually hurting Donald Trump — and helping Biden

I don’t know if you’ve ever attempted any kind of “intervention” with a relative who has gone off the rails but I suspect that they have much less influence on his behavior that what you’re imagining. The responsibility for RFK Jr’s behavior lies with him, not his siblings, cousins or other extended family members. Most of them already publicly endorsed Biden, so I’m not sure what else you think they can or should do.


What is the cringy likelihood of this guy becoming the shytty orange guy’s VP nominee? It’s all speculation at this point, but when I look at the other possibilities, RFK Jr would bring the most votes for them.

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Didn’t one or the other already get rejected by the other? :thinking:


A Trump win would be bad* enough, but RFKjr being one cheeseburger away from the presidency is sprinkles on the nightmare.

 * in the Egon definition.


Granted that he has a lot of issues, but serious question: there any VP candidate that Trump would be likely to pick who would be better, on balance, than RFK Jr?


frinkiac GIF

Plague spreading has become a largely right wing affair thanks to the last president/future felon.


I wonder if RFK Jr’s popularity with Trump voters has anything to do with the Q-Anon belief that JFK Jr is still alive and is coming back to bring in a new era, or whatever their wacky belief about him is. In any event, if this polling trend holds … good.

In the meantime, I urge all lovers of democracy to get involved in any way they feel comfortable turning out the vote for Democrats in their communities. No one should sit this one out.


Easily fooled? Or support racists, fascists and misogynists because they actually support those positions. IMHO, it’s much more about hate than any actual position held. And RFKjr’s antivaxx talking points “trigger the libs” like few things do.


minor edit



Maybe they were imagining an intervention along the lines of what Rosemary got. :face_vomiting:


I would hope that that’s the end of it, but just like a bad multi-part horror movie series, I fear the monsters keeping on coming back.

He’d be the one Kennedy to be welcomed in Dallas and not receive death threats.

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Wait until they hear him speak.

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Yep. Well, I don’t know where RJK Jr’s dysphonia came from but he kind of sounds like he enjoyed way too much freedom in his past and might be paying a little for it now. It might even have some appeal to a certain kind of voter, apart from the “pluses” of being not Trump but still kind of crappy. :roll_eyes:

I feel like I should be more concerned with states keeping Biden off the ballots.

" April 12, 2024

The Republican secretaries of state in Ohio and Alabama sent letters to local Democratic party chairs this past week with a warning: President Joe Biden, as the law stands now, won’t appear on their states’ ballots in November.

Both secretaries say the president’s nomination at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago between Aug. 19 and 22 won’t meet their states’ ballot access deadlines…"


… his siblings have the same scratchy voice


I’m betting that’ll get fixed before the November election but you just highlighted the importance of keeping up with state elections as well. 0_o


Ok, several times scrolling past this and I still want to read it as “New Marxist poll”


The GOP as a long-running horror movie franchise checks out. Every time the monsters inevitably come back its either a tired rehash or an increasingly exaggerated ‘bigger and more of it’ version until it’s a cartoonish orange, flatulent, gibbering parody of what the monster used to be - that even some of the die-hard fans are starting to turn away from.

If Reagan was original-recipe Jason in Friday the 13th, Trump is Jason-in-spaaaace from Jason X.
He still does a bunch of horrific things, often more horrific than the original, but it’s really, really hard to take the man himself seriously.
ETA: Oh, and just like Jason in Space how Trump got to where he is in the first place makes absolutely no sense.

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Junior’s is much worse. He thinks it was made worse by vaccines. I kid you not. Never mind all the heroin.