New national poll shows top 4 Democrats beating Trump

Heh, was talking with my wife in the car about some stupid hateful shit Trump did (with my 11 year old in the back) and someone cut my wife off and she honked and said something probably best not said in front of 11 year olds. Before you know it we started “even that idiot driver would be better than Trump!” Ha, ha, ha!. “Even insert classmates name would be better than Trump!”. Ha, ha, ha!

My daughter nailed it when we got home and started unpacking the car. “Even that rotting jack-o-lantern with mold growing on it, no brain, and it stinks would be better than Trump!”

<Sniff, sniff> They get old so fast…


not only did he lose the 2016 polls, he also lost the primary polls

polls and “news” media 100% useless, he’s just going to repeat what he did in 2016

imagine how many decades if not a whole century it’s going to take to recover from a 7-2 supreme court

Unfortunately, state-level polling is significantly more error-prone than national poling, mainly because the sample sizes are by definition much smaller than you can get in a national poll. The margins of error called out in the methodology for the poll below are in the mid-6% range, while the margin of error for national polls fall closer to the 4% range.

Still, even taking the MoE into account, some candidates are certainly doing worse than others in key battlegrounds. Biden’s “electability” argument seems to fall flat on its face when confronted with any actual data.


Exactly right. There were around 1000 people polled in this one, that averages 20 people per state. That’s too few even with the best sampling methods.

I feel like we’re in this weird space where it seems undoubtedly objectively true that we’d be better off selecting people at random to run the country than having elections. We all know it’s true. I don’t even say that as a partisan issue. It’s just… when will someone have the guts to actually make the proposal? (Other than Wanda Sykes, who I have to give credit to for this, but I think Sykes was probably joking - probably?)

Take a page from L. Sprague de Camp’s Reluctant King trilogy:

When first seen, Jorian is the reluctant king of Xylar, another Novarian city-state. The Xylarians select their king every five years by executing the reigning monarch and tossing his head into a crowd; the man who catches it becomes the next king (despite the terrible end awaiting the victor in this contest, there is never a lack of candidates, intentional or otherwise…). Jorian, having been selected for the position five years before, is at the end of his term as ruler. He miraculously escapes his fate with the aid of the Mulvanian sorcerer Dr. Karadur.

The rules would have to be careful. i.e. if one person catches the head, and another, the hair…

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Everyone seems to remember the 538 odds on the Friday morning before election day (pre-Comey), not the huge convergence on Monday/Tuesday that put the odds within the margin of error.


“Stop him! He’s casting!”


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