New York City will "aggressively" issue $1,000 fines for not wearing a face mask

Meanwhile in Canada, the RCMP is taking some heat because they moved Sikh and Islam observant officers to desk jobs during COVID. There doesn’t exist sufficient mask technology for bearded people to meet the requirement for frontline officers to wear respirators. They’re being accused of cultural insensitivity for this.

Oh, Canada. I love you and every part of this story.


An employee in HR or finance can’t issue citations. It’s going to be PD that enforces this. Count on them failing to actually offer the free mask option to people of color. Because NYPD.


Good. Negligent homicide is Bad.

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Ha, this is “fine”.

I’m supportive of having your public citizen license revoked, too.

Why did this take so long? The idiots refusing to wear masks should have had this happening to them a long time ago.

Oh, wait, how many of them were the police?

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In CT, they recently reduced the penalty for wearing masks to something like a $100 fine, because previously, it had been a misdemeanor offense that people could be arrested for, and authorities thought that was too harsh and were unwilling to enforce it.

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Along the lines of the progressive fine discussion, $100 almost seems too low, in some cases (assuming they are first offering free masks, as in the OP). What’s to stop a bunch of folks from getting together, then if they get fined, they just pay the $100 each and walk cavalierly around the grocery store or other space? Unfortunately, I could imagine them making enough money off of ads or fundraising to cover the fines and then some…interesting times.

Not killing people is more important than gibbertarian fundamentalism. “You’re not my Mom!” is a stupid philosophy of government.

The “poor” listen to scientists and doctors.

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