Originally published at: New York governor Andrew Cuomo resigns | Boing Boing
About bloody time. I hope corporate stakeholders will be paying attention when he tries to get on their boards, which is his next likely move.
Holy shit. Broken windows policy for asshole politicians.
11 posts were split to a new topic: Bill Maher: With “Friends” Like This
And to think that some say Me Too is history.
The worst line in his mealy mouthed, weaselly non-apology is that “The lines (about what is ok) have been redrawn”. No, you little shit. It was never ok. The lines about who should be treated like a fellow human haven’t changed. What’s changed is that we’re doing a better job at holding people accountable for their horrible behavior.
I hope this will not derail the nursing home investigation.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bill Maher: With “Friends” Like This
Eww this guy is eww
But how can that be? I’ve been repeatedly assured by right-wing pundits and politicians that progressives love Andrew Cuomo and don’t actually care about sexual assault when Democrats do it!
Governor Ralph Northam seems to have gotten a free pass.
And he gets replaced by New York’s first female governor. How fitting. And very likely to be an improvement.
I’m sure this is a good time to remind “centrist” dems that this was what they chose over Cynthia Nixon.
It works because their audience has the attention span of a goldfish and forgot the names of Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, John Edwards, etc. They fucked around, found out, and basically became dead to progressives.
A republican could pull the same shit, shed 3 crocodile tears at an evangelical church, and enjoy even stronger support from his base.
Has Ralph Northam actually been accused of a crime?
If you’re talking about the blackface photo in the yearbook thing I wouldn’t say he got a “pass” since he was roundly condemned for it by pretty much everyone and it didn’t relate to conduct he actually committed in office. Shitty behavior, but not exactly the same as what Cuomo did.
Even Al Franken was pushed out of office (rightly so, IMO) even though his bad conduct wasn’t even close to the level committed by many of his colleagues across the aisle.