I get your point, and I’m not really holding my breath waiting for a conviction, but at the same time the guy who fell off the Empire State Building was heard saying “so far, so good” all the way down.
Trump University settled out of court, and the Trump Foundation was shut down under court supervision. I don’t necessarily think anyone will go to jail, but depending on what is found, they could be severely damaged or even forced out of business.
I’ve heard from Trumpers over and over “he’s such a good businessman”-- well, Bernie Madoff was a great investment manager until the inner workings of his business were revealed. What will be revealed about the Trump organization? Let’s wait and see.
Not really. They can announce a probe at any time they find it advantageous. Maybe they hit a roadblock and hope that announcing this will shake loose a few rats fleeing the ship. Maybe they ran into an email during the civil probe that incriminates some low level secretary in personal drug dealing and they don’t want to risk losing evidence by having it tossed on a procedural issue. Maybe they are actually minutes from charges against Trump, but the announcement of a probe doesn’t tell us either way.
"This is - this is opening night. And Loki, he’s a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers, he wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered… " Tony Stark about what Loki wants, The Avengers
except that Loki is at least occasionally amusing and serious, unlike Trump.
All The Presidents Lawyers will have a new episode drop this afternoon. I’m sure Ken will go into more depth on his tweet. After listening to that show for almost three years now I’ve learned to take press and pundit reports with a grain of salt. You learn a lot about the limits of the law.
Ken White , a former prosecutor turned defense attorney and First Amendment advocate better known by his legal nom de plume “Popehat,” remained skeptical that major developments since that time triggered the attorney general’s announcement.
“It’s unimpressive,” White wrote in a text, referring to James’s announcement. “If they have only now decided they’re investigating criminally they are far behind everyone else. By most accounts their scope is fairly narrow, the [New York Attorney General’s] criminal prosecution power is limited, and the manner of the announcement sounds more ‘we take things seriously’ and less ‘we’re riding in with indictments.'”
I’m not hopeful that there will be serious criminal penalties for DJT, at least nothing will be of any consequence while he’s alive. The civil side will be another story - the various government prosecution teams will focus on tearing the family empire apart. This will devastate DJT and screw over his offspring. The children involved in the family business will run it into the ground regardless because they don’t have the smarts or experience to do the legal and mental gymnastics that Daddy’s gone through for his whole life.
There’s also the issue of none of their wealthy former ‘friends’ will hand over money to invest in projects that might be seized by various state A-Gs as fruits of criminal activity.
That all depends on who the victim is. Most of his grifts have targeted the less well off or the tax man, which the wealthy powers that be are generally okay with. But as Bernie Madoff discovered, you’d better not con the wealthy and powerful.
The federal courts? You mean the ones that trump broke records filling with actual children practically fresh out of law school and the heritage institute?
To a large degree, I’m not sure if there’s much choice. The law is what it is and there’s not much wriggle room for even a Trump appointee to ignore it.